Food & Drink in the Ancient Mediterranean - Bibliography
Primary Sources
Apart from Athenaeus who at the turn of the second century AD anthologized a vast array of Classical and Hellenistic material to do with Food and Drink, there is no fundamental source, but there is good material in the following:
- Pausanias
- Xenophon, Symposium Conversations with Socrates
- [Hippocrates]
- Homer, Odyssey, Iliad
- Plutarch ‘Table Talk’
- Petronius
- Apicius Some fragments translated as part of an ongoing private project
- Aristophanes – Issues of War and Peace and Political Power are often figured in terms of food in Wasps, Knights, Peace, Acharnians etc.
Sample Bibliography
- Susan E. Alcock and Robin Osborne eds. Placing the Gods: Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in Ancient Greece (Oxford, 1994)
- *Roland Barthes, `Lecture de Brillat-Savarin', introduction to Brillat-Savarin: Physiologie du goût, (Paris, 1975), translated in M.Blonsky ed. On Signs (Oxford, 1985)
- *W.Burkert, Homo Necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth (Berkeley, 1983)
- *Walter Burkert Greek Religion, (Oxford, 1985)
- Dalby, A. Siren Feasts (London 1996)
- *Davidson, J. Courtesans and Fishcakes (London 1997)
- *M.Detienne and J-P.Vernant etc., The Cuisine of Sacrifice Among the Greeks (London, 1989)
- P.Garnsey, Famine and Food Supply in the Greco-Roman World (1988)
- idem, Food and Society in Classical Antiquity (1999)
- Emily Gowers, The Loaded Table (Oxford,1993)
- David Lewis, `The King's Dinner' in Heleen Sancisi-Weerdenburg and Amélie Kuhrt edd. Achaemenid History Workshop II The Greek Sources (Leiden, 1987)
- François Lissarrague, The Aesthetics of the Greek Banquet (Princeton, 1990)
- *Murray, O. Sympotica (Oxford 1990)
- J.R.Sallares, The Ecology of the Ancient Greek World (London, 1992)
- Schmitt Pantel, P. La cité au banquet (1990)
- Slater, W. J. Dining in a Classical Context (Ann Arbor 1980)
- Visser, M., The Rituals of Dinner: the origins, evolution, eccentricities and meaning of table manners (1991)
J.Wilkins etc, edd., Food in Antiquity, (Exeter, 1995) - D Braund and J Wilkins (eds) Athenaeus and his World (Exeter, 2000)