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* Recommended.



* Y. Garlan, War in the Ancient World: A Social History (London 1975) U 29.G2

V.D. Hanson (ed.), Hoplites : The Classical Greek Battle Experience (London 1991) U 33.H6

J. Rich and G. Shipley (eds.), War and Society in the Greek World (London 1993) DF 89.W2

* P. Sabin, H. van Wees and M. Whitby, The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman

Warfare, Volume I, chapters 1-9 (Cambridge 2007) U 33.C2 Vol.1

* H. van Wees, Greek Warfare: Myths and Realities (London 2004) U 33.W3

H. van Wees (ed.), War and Violence in Ancient Greece (London 2000) DF 89.W2

Further general bibliography:

F. E. Adcock, The Greek and Macedonian Art of War (Berkeley 1957) U 33.A3

P. Connolly, Greece and Rome at War (London 1981) U 33.C6

D. Dawson, The Origins of Western Warfare: militarism and morality in the ancient world (Boulder/Oxford 1996) U 29.D2

Y. Garlan, War in the Ancient World: A Social History, London 1975 U 29.G2

V.D. Hanson, The Wars of the Ancient Greeks (1999) U 33.H2

P. Krentz, ‘Warfare’, in A. Shapiro (ed.) Cambridge Companion to Archaic Greece (2006) [ebook available from the Library website]

J.E. Lendon, Soldiers and Ghosts: a history of battle in classical antiquity (New Haven 2005) U 29.L3

A.B. Lloyd (ed.), Battle in Antiquity (London 1996) U 29.B2

W.K. Prichett, The Greek State at War, vols. I-V (Berkeley 1971-1990) U 33.P7

K. Raaflaub and N. Rosenstein (eds.), War and Society in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

Asia, the Mediterranean, Europe and Mesoamerica (Washington 1999) D 62.W2

L. Rawlings, ‘Warfare’, in A. Erskine (ed.), A Companion to Ancient History (Oxford 2009) D 57.C66

A. Santosuosso, Soldiers, Citizens & The Symbols of War (Boulder/Oxford 1997) U 29.S2

H. Sidebottom, Ancient Warfare: a very short introduction (Oxford 2004) U 29.S4

L. Tritle, From Melos to My Lai. War and Survival (London and New York 2000) U 21.5.T7

H. van Wees, ‘The city at war’, in R. Osborne (ed.) Classical Greece (Short Oxford History of Europe) (Oxford 2000) DF 227.C5

H. van Wees, ‘War in archaic and classical Greece’, in P. de Souza (ed.), The Ancient World at War: a global history (2008), 100-117 U 29.A53

J.P. Vernant, ‘City-State Warfare’, Myth and Society (London 1980), 19-445 BL 785.V3

J. Warry, Warfare in the Classical World (New York 1980) U 29.W2