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New for June on Material Musings blog

This month Tallulah George discusses the role of gladiatorial armour and its decoration, focusing on examples found in Pompeii. The article is entitled 'Practical and Stylish - Gladiatorial Armour as Costume' and you can read it here.

Wed 26 Jun 2024, 14:03

Latest Material Musings article

This month on the Material Musings blog, Carlo Lualdi discusses red-figure pottery from a fifth-century BC Southern Italian tomb. The article is entitled 'From puzzling images to a puzzle of images: a red-figure thread from Peucetia' and you can read it here.

Thu 30 May 2024, 10:56

New Omnibus article

'Augustus’ endless empire' by Alison Cooley just published in Omnibus 87, the magazine for schools

Congratulations to May Robinson

Many congratulations to May Robinson, current 2nd-year undergraduate, for reaching the final shortlist in the Classical Association’s 2023-4 "CA X Bloomsbury" Competition, for her poem ‘Pomegranate Juice’.

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