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May's Material Musings blog post...

In a new blog post for May on Material Musings, Kieren Johns discusses the marble statue compositions depicting tropaea (trophies) which can be seen today on the Capitoline in Rome, in an article titled "Spoliated spolia: the tropaea Marii on the Capitoline Hill". You can read the article here.

Latest Material Musings blog post.....

In April's Material Musings blog post Dr Paul Grigsby discusses a unique Boeotian burial pithos dating to the eighth century BC in an article titled "Who's that girl? A burial pithos from Thebes". Read it here.

Tue 26 Apr 2022, 15:29 | Tags: Engagement Faculty of Arts Research Greek history

Prof Michael Scott talks to Stephen Fry

Premiering at this year's CA Conference, a conversation between our very own Prof Michael Scott and Stephen Fry! Keep and eye on the CA Social Media from Friday to watch!

Wed 06 Apr 2022, 17:57 | Tags: Engagement Greek history Greek literature

New Material Musings blog article for March

Campbell Orchard discusses "Antony's Legionary Denarii" in this new blog article. Read it here.

WCN feature in Education Choices Magazine

The WCN is featured in the Spring edition of Education Choices Magazine, published this month. Read all about the outreach work of the Department on page 62.

Mon 28 Mar 2022, 10:32 | Tags: Engagement Publications Teaching

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