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PG Classics Colloquium 2019

Wednesday 22 May 2019, in OC1.06.

The Postgraduate Classics Colloquium is an annual event which showcases the work of the PhD community within the department of Classics and Ancient History. It provides the opportunity to engage with the diversity of research which is currently being undertaken at a postgraduate level here at Warwick.

Wed 01 May 2019, 15:14 | Tags: Postgraduate PGR research PGT research

Coin of the Month: The snake god and the satirist

April's coin of the month, written by Matthew Smith, explores Lucian's Alexander in connection with a coin from Abonuteichos.

Coin of the Month: Honours, Health and Hairstyles

In February's coin of the month postgraduate Jacqui Butler examines the representation of Livia on coinage. Read more here!

Fri 01 Feb 2019, 10:50 | Tags: Engagement Numismatics Postgraduate Research PGT research

Coin of the Month: Fulvia, the power behind the lion?

coin fulviaMasters student Jacqui Butler explores the role Fulvia played at the end of the Republic by discussing her representation on a coin series struck in Gaul. Read it here.

New Publication from Doctoral Student Charlotte Mann

An article arising from Charlotte's Masters thesis has now been published: 'The significance of the military representationof Caracalla upon the coinage of his sole reign (212-217 CE)', Journal of the Numismatic Association of Australia vol 28 (2017): 54-65.

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