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The Materiality of Mourning: an Interdisciplinary Workshop

This interdisciplinary workshop, funded by the Wellcome Trust, will bring together academic and practitioners to explore the roles played by objects and images in the processes of grief, mourning and remembrance, across both historical and contemporary societies.

The workshop will be held at the University of Warwick on Thursday 19th-Friday 20th May 2016.

Academics and practitioners across all disciplines are warmly invited to respond to the Call for Papers. Please send a title and brief abstract (up to 200 words) to by 29th February 2016.

New publication: C. Petit on 7th c. Alexandria

An article exploring medicine in late antique Alexandria, based on medical and hagiographic texts of the 7th c. AD.

Caroline Petit, ‘Alexandrie, carrefour des traditions médicales au 7e s.: Les témoignages de Sophrone de Jérusalem, Alexandre de Tralles, Paul d’Egine, Stéphane d’Alexandrie et Jean d’Alexandrie’ in J.-P. Caillet/B. Dumézil/S. Destephen/H. Inglebert (eds.), Aux origines des saints patrons, Paris, Picard, 2015, 287-307

Pseudo-Galenic Texts and the formation of the Galenic corpus

Warburg Institute, 14-15 May 2015. Organised by Dr. Caroline Petit.

Galen's works are a confusing field for students and scholars, as many inauthentic or dubious works have been transmitted alongside genuine ones: this conference will shed light on the processes that allowed such confusion in the body of works of one of the more prominent polymaths of antiquity, and thus clarify the boundaries of the Galenic corpus.

Supported by the Wellcome Trust, The university of Warwick, the Warburg Institute and the Institute of Classical Studies.

Further details and registration here

Galen in Der Spiegel!

Der Spiegel reflects on Galen's contribution to ancient psychotherapy in the recently discovered Peri alupias (On avoiding distress), about which we held a conference here in Warwick last July.

Catch up with ancient medicine on BBC4: The Beauty of Anatomy

The Beauty of Anatomy in 5 episodes is currently running on BBC4. Follow Adam Rutherford through the history of anatomy from Galen to modern times... how Galen's thought shaped up anatomy for centuries, how art and anatomy influenced each other, etc. Dr. Caroline Petit appears in episodes 1 and 2:)


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