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September coin of the month: Achaean League Coinage and Collective Identity

In this month's coin of the month, recent graduate Jameson Minto talks about how the coinage of the Achaean League conrtibuted to different types of identity in the Hellenistic world. Read more here.

From divinity to the Duce: the many meanings of the Julian Star

Read about the use of the Julian star under Mussolini in August's coin of the month, written by Daisy Ashton.

New publication on Augustus in JRS

New article by Alison Cooley critiquing the idea of the Augustan Principate:

Warwick Classics Network receives the support of the A. G. Leventis Foundation

The A. G. Leventis Foundation is to support the work of the Warwick Classics Network and their work to further encourage the teaching of Classical Civilisation and Ancient History in schools across the UK, and especially in Warwickshire and Coventry.


The Warwick Classics Network is the umbrella for all engagement activity undertaken by Warwick linked to the teaching of Classical Civilisation and Ancient History; including teaching resources, outreach events and school visits.

The Network comprises teachers and academics dedicated to the promotion and support of Classics teaching in the West Midlands. Participants are encouraged to share ideas, experiences, and skills, to be creative in their teaching, and in turn are provided with training and advice to support them.

Dr. Caroline Petit awarded the quinquennal Médaille de Chénier

In March 2019, Dr. Caroline Petit was awarded the Médaille de Chénier of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (Paris), for her book Galien de Pergame ou la rhétorique de la Providence. Médecine, littérature et pouvoir à Rome, Brill, 2018. This quinquennal award distinguishes a book of significance in the field of Greek language and literature.

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