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New post on Material Musings blog

New for February on the Material Musings blog, Tallulah George explores the use of hairpieces in imperial Roman society in an article titled "Hair today, gone tomorrow: imperial trendsetters". Read it here.

New Material Musings blog post

This month Katharine Broderick discusses Venus statuary in an article entitled "The Male Gaze Made Marble? The Venus de Milo".

You can read it here.

Thu 19 Jan 2023, 12:04 | Tags: Engagement Faculty of Arts Postgraduate PGR research

New Material Musings blog post

This month, Danchen Zhang explores an intriguing case of mistaken identity on a fourth century BCE red-figure Attic pelike in an article entitled "Ismene in the wrong family? The tomb scene on the 'Exeter Vase'".

You can read it here

Latest Material Musings blog post

New blog post for July is by Carlo Lualdi, who discusses the potential cultural interaction between Apulia and Macedonia via the depiction of a box on a fourth century BCE amphora, in an article titled "Precious boxes: the glitter of a new world". Read it here.

Wed 27 Jul 2022, 15:35 | Tags: Engagement Postgraduate Research PGR research

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