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Prof Michael Scott talks to Stephen Fry

Premiering at this year's CA Conference, a conversation between our very own Prof Michael Scott and Stephen Fry! Keep and eye on the CA Social Media from Friday to watch!

Wed 06 Apr 2022, 17:57 | Tags: Engagement Greek history Greek literature

Latest blog post on Material Musings: "A rather bould(er) claim: inscribed rocks and weightlifting in the ancient world"

In February's Material Musings blog post, Matthew Evans discusses the sixth century BCE inscribed rock of Bybon from Olympia, in an article titled "A rather bould(er) claim: inscribed rocks and weightlifting in the ancient world". Read it here.

Material Musings: "It's all fun and games in the gymnasium of Ancient Messene"

New blog post by Matthew Evans on gaming boards incised into the steps in the gymnasium at ancient Messene.

Read the post here

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