Charlotte Mann
![[Title and full name]](MannPhoto.jpg)
Postgraduate Researcher
Humanities Building, University Road
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
I am a PhD student investigating the imperial self-portrayal of Hadrian and his Antonine successors Pius, Aurelius and Commodus. I completed my undergraduate degree in Ancient History and English Literature at the University of Queensland (First-Class Honours) in 2015 and completed a Masters in the Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Rome (Distinction) at the University of Warwick in 2017-2018. I am now a co-tutelle student, based between Warwick and Macquarie University in Australia, where I complete my research as a Junior Fellow of the Australian Centre for Ancient Numismatic Studies (2018).
I have particular interest in numismatics, focusing upon coins produced by the imperial mint in Rome and provincial mints throughout the Empire. However, this interest in ancient coins is informed by a wider curiosity about the many ways in which Roman emperors represented themselves and how they were perceived, with special emphasis upon paratextuality in epigraphy, the representation of ritual and the use of numismatic evidence in archaeology.
Thesis Title: Anxious Empires: Imaging the Imperial Power of Antonine Emperors (117-190 CE)
My project examines the ways in which Hadrian and his ‘Antonine’ successors Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius and Commodus ‘imaged’ the tension between the civic and military aspects of an emperor’s imperial image. Despite its potential to bring new insights to this period of imperial history, current scholarship lacks an analysis of the Antonine emperors based upon numismatic evidence. This thesis fills this gap by using coin hoards to examine the quantity and geographical distribution of reverse imagery, using this information to identify which ideologies defined each emperor’s public image, to understand the influence of geographical location and social class upon this public image and how these ideological emphases evolved throughout the second century CE.
2020- Royal Numismatics Society/University of Warwick Numismatic Day Conference, ‘The World in Your Hand: New Directions in Numismatic Research’ (Co-Convener with Dr Clare Rowan)
2020- Sessional Tutor at the University of Warwick, Numismatic Seminars
2019-2020- Curatorial Assistant, Warwick Department of Classics and Ancient History’s Teaching Collection
2019- Coin catalogues produced for the Archaeological Research Service
2018- Exhibitions: ‘The City of Rome’ and ‘Faking It: Ancient and Modern Forgeries’ in conjunction with the Museum of Ancient Cultures, Sydney
2018- Australian Centre for Ancient Numismatic Studies: Junior Fellowship
2017- Researcher for Prof. Michael Scott, OIKO Database
2016- Research Assistant for Dr. Caillan Davenport, ‘Popular Perceptions of Roman Emperors from Augustus to Theodosius I.’
2014-2016- Collections Researcher and Administrative Officer at RD Milns Antiquities Museum
2014- Roman Society Internship at the Department of Coins and Medals, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
2020- Royal Numismatics Society/University of Warwick Numismatic Day Conference, ‘A Model of Liberality: Imperial Power and Military Patronage Under the Antonines’
2020- Roman Archaeology Conference, ‘Moveable Feasts: The Patron Relationship Between Emperor and Army on the Imperial Coinage of Antoninus Pius’
2019- Theoretical Archaeology Group, ‘Spent or Saved? The Circulation of Coins Struck for the Eleusinian Mysteries’
- 2018: ‘The Significance of the Military Representations of Caracalla upon the Coinage of his Sole Reign (212-217 CE)’, Journal of the Numismatic Association of Australia, Volume 28
2018- Parkes Weber Prize, Royal Numismatics Society
2017- Masters Dissertation Prize (‘Imperial Power and Provincial Response Upon the Civic Coins of Asia Minor (2015-2016 CE)), University of Warwick Department of Classics and Ancient History
2017- Prize for Highest Degree Mark, University of Warwick Department of Classics and Ancient History
2016- Warwick Classics and Ancient History Departmental Bursary
2014- Roman Society Bursary- Internship at Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge