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michael scott sicily

Research Impact

Warwick's Classics Department believes that research into Greek and Roman antiquity contributes important social and cultural insights for modern society.


drama festival medea

Warwick Ancient Drama Festival

Each year Warwick staff and students collaborate on producing a play from antiquity, accompanied by talks and workshops for schools.


pseudolus workshop

Warwick Classics Network

The Warwick Classics Network supports the teaching of the Classical World in Schools across the region.


Outreach and Impact News

New Omnibus article

'Augustus’ endless empire' by Alison Cooley just published in Omnibus 87, the magazine for schools


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Find out more about our activities

The Department of Classics is passionately committed to encouraging as wide an audience as possible to engage with the study of the Classical world.



Material Musings Blog

Check out our monthly departmental blog posts on the fascinating world of ancient material culture and the stories these objects can tell us