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Heidegger's Greece

Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Workshop

May 4, 2018, University of Warwick

Social Sciences Building, S0.11, 5-7pm


Hosted in conjunction with Warwick’s Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and The Arts



This workshop brings together an international group of researchers with interests in both early Greek poetics and contemporary philosophical and critical-theoretical developments, to lead an open discussion for postgraduate students and academics across Humanities and in Philosophy.

The aim is a reassessment of the significance of early Greek poetics and thought, and broader issues arising from encountering Greek antiquity, for contemporary philosophical, critical-theoretical, and interdisciplinary developments.

Discussion will be based around encounters with Greek antiquity in Heidegger's essay 'The Origin of the Work of Art'.

The event is free and open to all, and we hope it will appeal particularly to interdisciplinary postgraduate students.

Set texts for reading in advance are set out below.


Core Participants

Professor Mark Payne – Professor of Classics and the College, and in the John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago

Dr Felix Budelmann – Associate Professor in Classical Languages and Literature and Tutorial Fellow, Magdalen College, University of Oxford

Dr Pauline LeVen – Associate Professor of Greek Literature and Language, Yale University

Dr Sarah Nooter – Associate Professor in the Department of Classics and the College, University of Chicago

Dr Tom Phillips – Supernumerary Fellow in Classics, Merton College, University of Oxford / Postdoctoral Fellow, Oxford Leverhulme Trust Project ‘Anachronism and Antiquity’

Dr David Fearn – Reader in Greek Literature, Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of Warwick


Principal Text

• Martin Heidegger, 'The Origin of the Work of Art', in Young and Haynes (ed. and trans.) Off the Beaten Path (Cambridge, 2002) 1–56.

Secondary Readings

• Eric Hayot, On Literary Worlds (Oxford, 2012) chapters 1, 3, 10

• Marcel Detienne, The Masters of Truth in Archaic Greece (London, 1996 [orig. 1974]) 15–33: preface to the US edition

• Glenn Most, ‘Heidegger’s Greeks’, Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics 10 (2002) 83–9

Further information (including availability of core readings)

Please contact

The event is kindly sponsored by Warwick’s CRPLA, Institute for Advanced Study, Humanities Research Centre, Connecting Cultures GRP, and Department of Classics and Ancient History.

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