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syllabus Q800

Set texts in translation

(Use Loeb editions)

Ovid, Amores 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.7, 2.8, 3.7

Horace Epodes

Phaedrus Fables

Horace Satires Book 1

Persius Satires

Seneca Letters 1-12, 24, 30, 47.

Seneca Thyestes

Statius Achilleid

Set texts in Latin for Q800 / Classics & English students:

(please consult the text in the individual commentaries listed in bibliography for each author)

Ovid Amores 2.7, 3.7

Horace Epodes 8 and 12

Horace Satires 1.4.1-85

Phaedrus, Fabulae 2.5, 3.Prol., App.10 (nb: for exams, please use the Loeb Latin text of Phaedrus)

Statius Achilleid 1.126-877

Seneca Letters 12, 24

Seneca Thyestes 690-1112

Other relevant texts that may come into discussion:

Lucilius fr 676-88W, Catullus, Seneca Apocolocyntosis, Lucan Bellum Civile