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Creative Coventry - Your Creative Responses to Roman Coventry

Lots of our local Coventry pupils have been busy creating some amazing things as part of their study of the Roman world alongside the Roman Coventry Project. We will be sharing some of these here on the site, so do keep an eye out for your school or even your own work! In addition, a special display case has been set up at Lunt Roman Fort inside the granary itself to display some of our Coventry schools' work, so do keep an eye out when you visit the Fort. And if you want your school's work to go on display at the Lunt, do get in touch with me at Paul dot Grigsby at Warwick dot ac dot uk

Blue Coat are at it again!

Once again Jane Flanagan has being doing amazing stuff bringing the Romans to Blue Coat's Art and Tech classes. This academic year (2023/2024) Jane has been getting the y7 pupils to think about Roman Architecture in their 3D lessons, and they have been making their own models as seen below.

Blue coat architecture
Colosseum model

We are hoping to launch a Roman architecture project for schools in 2024/2025 to celebrate Warwick University's 60th anniversary - so watch this space!

Get set for another Blue Coat invasion!

Mrs Jane Flanagan is developing some new art activities on Roman Coventry with her amazing Blue Coat pupils, so watch this space. This characterful Roman legionary (below) is the first in this new project, and we can't wait to see how this develops. Creators of the Salt Dough Centurion army and the giant zoo mosaic, Blue Coat really are the outstanding school in our Creative Coventry section. But if you want your school to topple them from their perch, do get in touch and send us examples of your ancient-inspired art.

Blue Coat cardboard Roman soldier

Creative Coventry Prizes

Thanks to the generous support of the Classical Association , Prizes have been awarded as below to the following schools:

First prize of £500 to Blue Coat School

Second prize of £250 to Stoke Park School

Joint Third prize of £125 each to St Elizabeth's and Pearl Hyde Schools.

The competition was judged by Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson for the Classical Association, and Dr Paul Grigsby on behalf of the Warwick Classics Network. A second round of the competition will run from September 2021, so if you want your school to be involved in the project and be in the running for a top prize of £500 to spend on books for your school library, do get in touch.

Blue Coat School

We have been absolutely blown away by the quality and quantity of the work produced this year by pupils of Blue Coat School, led by the amazing Mrs Flanagan. So rich is the offering from Blue Coat that we don't have room to display it all here, but MRs Flanagan has created a PDF of the Blue Coat pupils' work which you can take a look at here.

My favourite items are perhaps the amazing Blue Coat salt dough centurions made by Y7 pupils at the school. The banner at the top of this page was also created by the talented Blue Coat pupils. A special display case has been set up at Lunt Roman Fort inside the granary itself to display some of our Coventry schools' work, and the first items on display are some of the salt dough centurions, along with the amazing mosaic (see below). So do check them out next time you visit the Lunt, as they will be on display this summer.

The culminating piece created by the Blue Coat pupils is a giant 8ftx4ft mosaic based on the giant Zulu figure which used to stand guard outside the old Zoo at Whitley

And here (below) is the mosaic now on display at the Lunt Fort together with members of the salt dough army.

Pearl Hyde School
Pupils from Pearl Hyde primary school had a great day making Roman shields and marching with them. We have included a few of the shields below with some of the creative writing responses to the Roman shields, and a clock with Roman numerals - a reminder of the continuing presence of the Romans on everyday objects.

St Elizabeth's Primary

These photos were taken on St Elizabeth's Year 3 'Roman Day'. On this day the pupils were off timetable and immersed themselves in Roman history. They learnt about and used Roman numerals, created 3D models of Roman soldiers, made their own shields and helmets, and practiced the Testudo Formation with their creations despite the characteristic British weather!

Stoke Park

Stoke Park has been one of our most successful schools in Coventry, introducing Classics to it's pupils across the board with the help of a team of dedicated teachers and with funding from Classics for All. As part of their engagement with our Roman Coventry Project, pupils at Stoke Park have created a whole swathe of Roman-related things, from swords and shields to pieces of creative writing. We will post more of these here soon. As you will see, Stoke Park had their own internal competition and have created a fantastic range of items as a result.

If you or your school have engaged creatively in the Roman Coventry project and you have some pictures or pieces of writing you would like to share here, email me at and I will post them on this page.