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Ancient Feasting Videos

Sit back and enjoy a feast of videos on all aspects of ancient feasts and feasting created by the staff and students here at Warwick for the Resonate Festival Feast! month. Cheers!
Pour yourself a glass...
Dr Conor Trainor - In Vino Veritas - Making wine in the Classical world

Dr Conor Trainor discusses wine in the ancient world - how it was made, its history, where it was drunk, and much, much more. So pour yourself a glass and enjoy!

Prof Michael Scott - The Greek Symposium (Drinking Party)

In an edited version of a two-part video originally recorded as part of our #AskAnAcademic series, Prof Michael Scott talks about the Greek symposium or drinking party, how it was organised, and how it was something of a test for all concerned, with the help of our Warwick Classics students as guinea pigs.

Put on some music...

Dr Francesca Modini - Party Like it's 99AD

Dr Francesca Modini talks about the sort of music played at ancient Greek and Roman banquets.

And now for the Food...

Dr Paul Grigsby - Feasting with the Gods

Dr Paul Grigsby talks about the relations between the ancient Greeks and their gods as imagined through the medium of feasts, both real and mythological.

Prof Zahra Newby - The Roman Banquet

Prof Zahra Newby discusses Roman feasting and banquets through literature and as depicted in mosaics from across the Roman world.

Prof James Davidson - Power Banquets

In this video originally recorded for our 2021 A. G. Leventis Ancient Worlds Day and edited for the Resonate Festival Ancient Feasting Day, Prof James Davidson talks about how banquets were used as displays of power, focusing on the Persians, Alexander, and Antony and Cleopatra.

Dr Consuelo Martino - Feasting with Emperors

Dr Consuelo Martino talks about the dangers and pleasures of dining with the Emperors, from Augustus through to Nero and beyond.

Dr Eris Williams-Reed - Feasting in Ancient Palmyra

Dr Eris Williams-Reed, Honorary Research Fellow of the Dept of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Warwick, talks about the ancient site of Palmyra in modern Syria and how feasts were celebrated there in the Roman period.

Natasha Curry, Jaya Sepion-Earp, Jessica Scrimshaw, and Georgia Wilkes - Food in the Hellenistic World

In this video originally recorded for our second year module The Hellenistic World, students Natasha Curry, Jaya Sepion-Earp, Jessica Scrimshaw, and Georgia Wilkes of the Dept of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Warwick talk about food in the Hellenistic World and how part of the legacy of Alexander the Great could be seen in what graced the ancient table. You can see more of our student videos on our YouTube channel.