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'A World without Wall': An International Congress on "Soft Power", Cultural Diplomacy and Interdependence

The speakers at the event will be leading international figures from politics and academia, who will contribute unique perspectives on these three issues under consideration. Components will include a panel discussion featuring Former Heads of State on the subject of "Global Leadership in a World Without Walls: The Challenges Ahead" and a panel discussion for Former Foreign Ministers on the subject of "Balancing Global Public Goods and National Priorities: Establishing Foreign Policy in an Interdependent World". 

The confirmed speakers include Ségolène Royal (President of the Poitou-Charentes Regional Council; Former Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party of France), Janez Janša (Former Prime Minister of Slovenia; President of the Slovenian Democratic Party) and Mike Kenneth Moore (Former Prime Minister of New Zealand; Former Director General of the World Trade Organization). 

Further details about the program at

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Thu 15 Oct 2009, 11:14 | Tags: Conference