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“Preaching, Teaching, Manipulating”: Authors and Authority in Medieval and Early Modern Literature

10 June 2010, University of Reading, School of Modern Languages and European Studies

Contributions to this postgraduate conference are invited from postgraduate and postdoctoral students on the following topics: The narrator; Sermons; Dialogues between learned and unlearned texts; Translations; Translatio studii; Debates; Rhetoric; Poetics.

All papers should last 20 minutes. A selection of these papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of Reading Medieval Studies.

Proposals for papers should be sent to the conference organizers: Professor Françoise Le Saux ( and Dr Catherine Léglu (

Thu 26 Nov 2009, 15:40 | Tags: Call for Papers Conference

Envisioning Community Conference

Space, Place and Translating the Past in 19th and 20th Century Britain

Saturday 27th February 2010

Envisioning Community is a one-day conference exploring how multidisciplinary approaches to the study of community can better inform our understanding of the historical past. Featuring renowned scholars from the fields of history, historical geography and anthropology, the day offers an opportunity to interrogate research wrought by the spatial turn and the new challenges of representation and the visual in telling and writing history.  A range of papers will engage with spatially located communities as well as those established thorough material or political practices, testing the ways in which community has been conceptualised.  They also offer new ways of considering how community has been, and continues to be, made and imagined through walks, photography, film and town planning.

Thu 26 Nov 2009, 09:02 | Tags: Conference

Postgraduate Workshop on the English Reformation

May 2010, University of Liverpool

A call for papers on any aspect of the English Reformation for a one day postgraduate research conference.  Papers are to be 20 minutes long and can cover any aspect of the English Reformation.  This is a great opportunity for postgraduates to share their research and receive feedback in a friendly, supportive environment.  We would be very grateful if you could express your interest before 27/11/2009

If you would like to hear more about the event or wish to propose a paper please contact Ryan Clayton at

Fri 13 Nov 2009, 15:14 | Tags: Call for Papers Conference

A Tale of Two Cities - Venice and Florence in the Renaissance

A conference in memory of Professor Michael Mallett (1932–2008)

8–10 December 2009
The University of Warwick in Venice
Palazzo Pesaro Papafava
Cannaregio, Venice

This conference celebrates the work of the late Professor Michael Mallett and the long-standing expertise of Warwick’s History and History of Art Departments in Venetian and Florentine history. For more than 40 years, thanks to the efforts of Professor Mallett, the University of Warwick has organised unique undergraduate programmes in Venice, and has built up an international reputation in Renaissance scholarship.

Thu 12 Nov 2009, 17:04 | Tags: Conference

Podcast: Medicine and Classicism in Comparative Perspective

To accompany their conference on Medicine and Classicism, David Arnold and Peter Pormann have recorded a podcast. It can be downloaded directly from the Warwick website: and is also available on iTunesU: 

The conference will be at the Warburg Institute (London), 13-14 November 2009. For more information please click here.

Mon 09 Nov 2009, 13:56 | Tags: eLearning Conference Announcement

Universal Reformation: Intellectual Networks in Central and Western Europe 1560-1670

21-23 September 2010, St Anne's College, University of Oxford

Please note the revised conference dates; this event will now take place on 21-23 September.

For decades before the Thirty Years War, Protestant communities Europe, lacking fully functional local universities responsive to their needs, sent their sons westward to study in Germany’s numerous universities and academies. The resulting contact and reciprocal influence knit the intellectual histories of these regions together in inextricable ways. The three decades of war which followed disrupted many of these institutions and replaced these patterns of academic travel with fresh waves of intellectual refugees fleeing in all directions. At the same time, the trauma of displacement transformed long-nurtured aspirations toward ecclesiastical reunification, political pacification, pedagogical improvement, and philosophical reform into an all-embracing programme of universal reformation. This international conference invites both emerging and established scholars to contribute their perspectives on this huge system and the unfamiliar intellectual traditions exchanged within it.

Thu 22 Oct 2009, 12:26 | Tags: Call for Papers Conference

Historians of the Twentieth Century United States (HOTCUS) Annual Conference

1-3 July 2010, The Marcus Cunliffe Centre for the Study of the American South, University of Sussex

Papers from members or non-members are requested on all topics concerning the History of the United States from 1890 to the present. Proposals from scholars outside the UK as well as those undertaking postgraduate study are especially welcome. The conference committee also welcomes proposals for complete panels of three or four speakers. Please send a c.v. and a précis of the proposed paper or session of no more than 300 words to Dr. Sandra Scanlon, Department of International History, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE or by 11th December 2009.

Thu 15 Oct 2009, 11:24 | Tags: Call for Papers Conference

'A World without Wall': An International Congress on "Soft Power", Cultural Diplomacy and Interdependence

6-9 November 2009. The ICD House of Arts and Culture, Kurfurstendamm 207-9, Berlin, Germany.

The event is hosted by the ICD and CivWorld/Demos on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and will bring together an international group of young leaders, political and diplomatic representatives, and individuals from the private sector and civil society for a four-day program of lectures, seminars, and panel discussions. During the program, participants will consider the development of international relations over the past two decades, explore the challenges and opportunities of interdependence, and look at the importance of cultural diplomacy in ensuring sustainable multilateral cooperation.

Thu 15 Oct 2009, 11:14 | Tags: Conference

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