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History News

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RHS Martin Lynn Scholarship awarded to George Roberts

The Royal Historical Society has awarded its 2013 Martin Lynn Scholarship to first-year doctoral student George Roberts. This is a highly prestigious and very competitive award, open to students working in the field of African History, which will be used to support George's PhD research on the Cold War in post-independence Dar es Salaam.

George's project is supervised by Professors David Anderson and Daniel Branch. Details are contained in his e-portfolio.

Tue 15 Jul 2014, 15:33 | Tags: Award Research Postgraduate Announcement

RHS Rees Davies 2013 Prize awarded to Mara Gregory (MA in History of Medicine 2012/13)

The Royal Historical Society's Rees Davies Prize for 2013 has been awarded to Mara Gregory (MA in History of Medicine 2012-13) for her dissertation ‘“Beamed Directly to the Children”: School Broadcasting and Sex Education in Britain in the 1960s and 1970s’. The dissertation was supervised by Dr Mathew Thomson.

Judges’ citation: This highly accomplished thesis analyses the production, content and reception of sex education broadcasts by the BBC during the 1960s and 1970s. The author explores these programmes and the controversy they generated as a lens onto wider social debates about sexual behaviour, the ‘permissive society’ and ideas about childhood...


Tue 15 Jul 2014, 11:57 | Tags: Award Research Postgraduate Announcement

History Department UG Prizes 2013/14

Congratulations to the prize-winning undergraduate students of the History Department for their excellent academic performances in 2013/14:

Details of all of the departmental prizes and past winners can be found on the Student Prizes webpages.

Tue 08 Jul 2014, 14:33 | Tags: Award

Professor David Anderson Awarded a Faculty of Arts Research Impact Award 2014

Faculty of Arts Research Impact Award 2014 
Professor David Anderson of the History Department has been awarded a Faculty of Arts Research Impact Award 2014. The awards were presented on 3rd July 2014 by Professor Simon Swain, Chair of the Faculty of Arts and Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Arts and Social Sciences.

Introduced in 2011, these awards recognize those individuals who have undertaken public engagement with the intention of achieving the greatest possible impact in innovative or interesting ways, rather than recognizing the achievement of impact itself.

Mon 07 Jul 2014, 09:23 | Tags: Impact and Public Engagement, Award

Dr Claudia Stein awarded the European History Quarterly (EHQ) 2013 Prize

Dr Claudia Stein has been awarded the European History Quarterly (EHQ) 2013 Prize for the article 'Images and Meaning-Making in a World of Resemblance: The Bavarian-Saxon Kidney Stone Affair of 1580'.


Wed 12 Feb 2014, 11:14 | Tags: Award Publication

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