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Professor David Anderson Awarded a Faculty of Arts Research Impact Award 2014

Faculty of Arts Research Impact Award 2014 
Professor David Anderson of the History Department has been awarded a Faculty of Arts Research Impact Award 2014. The awards were presented on 3rd July 2014 by Professor Simon Swain, Chair of the Faculty of Arts and Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Arts and Social Sciences.

Introduced in 2011, these awards recognize those individuals who have undertaken public engagement with the intention of achieving the greatest possible impact in innovative or interesting ways, rather than recognizing the achievement of impact itself.

Mon 07 Jul 2014, 09:23 | Tags: Impact and Public Engagement, Award

Dr Roberta Bivins to Present Keynote Address at the 2014 Annual NHS Research and Development Forum

NHS Research and Development ForumDr Roberta Bivins of the Centre for the History of Medicine and the History Department will be the keynote speaker, presenting at the 2014 Annual NHS Research and Development Forum, to be held in Birmingham on the 9th and 10th June 2014. Dr Bivins' presentation is titled, "Multi-Faceted Problems: Trans-Disciplinary Solutions?", and the forum programme is available online at

Mon 02 Jun 2014, 14:48 | Tags: Impact and Public Engagement

Professor Beat Kümin at Gersau Communal Assembly

On 2nd February 2014, Professor Beat Kümin - co-founder of the Warwick Network for Parish Research - will be guest of honour and plenary speaker at the communal assembly in Gersau (Switzerland). This forms the launch event of a year of activities commemorating the temporary restauration of the parish republic in 1814. A few weeks later, he will also moderate a public panel debate on the ‘myth of freedom’, which forms part of an international conference on European republicanism sponsored by the district authorities and cantonal lottery fund. Further details of the celebrations can be accessed at

Tue 28 Jan 2014, 10:30 | Tags: Impact and Public Engagement

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