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French 5 for finalists (LL343)


Level: Advanced

Prerequisite: prior knowledge of French

  • Successful completion of Language Centre level 4 equivalent module
  • B2 of CEFR (to be finalised at diagnostic interview)
  • or a high grade at A-level
  • or equivalent in International Baccalaureate
  • or equivalent
Main Objectives
  • To communicate effectively in situations ranging from informal conversation to a formal interview or presentation.
  • To read and understand articles and a varied range of fictional and non-fictional passages
  • To facilitate students’ self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses in order to improve their learning skills
  • To work towards B2+ (depending on skill area) standard of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference).


Teaching and Learning
  • One weekly blended session for 21 weeks consisting of a two-hour face-to-face class on campus 
  • Four online workshops, each lasting ninety minutes, spread across terms 1 and 2 
  • Some independent study will also be set

Students will take part in an online exchange with the Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France.

If health & safety restrictions are required, teaching may move online. 

Students are reminded that 1 credit = 10 hours of study, therefore for a 30 credit module, the minimum expected amount of study is 300 hours, which averages over 10 hours per week. A substantial amount of independent study is therefore required. Students can make use of Moodle to facilitate this.


Term 2: portfolio (15%) 

Term 3: one reading/writing test (30%) + one speaking test (40%) + one independent project (15%) 

Main Tutor

Magali Toscan

Course Texts (must be bought by student)

  • P. Shannon, P. Turk & G. Garcia Vandaele (2018), Action Grammaire - Fourth edition, Hodder Education, ISBN-13: 978-1-5104-3486-8
  • Selected texts and resources will be provided by the tutor.

Course Description

The emphasis of the module will be on improving the following skills:

  • communicating more effectively in French, in situations ranging from informal conversation to a formal interview or presentation
  • understanding extended speech (presentations, news reports, lectures...) and the majority of films in standard French
  • reading and understanding articles in French and a varied range of fictional and non-fictional passages
  • gaining practice in writing essays in French
  • writing formal, transactional, non personal emails in French
  • facilitating students’ self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses in order to improve their learning skills
  • a critical understanding of cultural contexts 
  • analytical and reflective abilities in cross-cultural settings
  • autonomous learning and effective resource management. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, students will have:

  • developed competence in a broad range of complex and non-routine language tasks across a wide and often unpredictable variety of contexts
  • consolidated and expanded grammatical and syntactical competence
  • become more proficient in using a wider range of register and style both in speaking and writing
  • furthered their awareness and appreciation of French and francophone culture
  • developed an appreciation of literary and non-literary texts
  • critically analyse and reflect on cultural contexts, demonstrating enhanced intercultural and cross-cultural competencies
  • conduct and present independent research into Francophone-speaking culture(s) and society(ies)
  • self-monitor and self-regulate their own learning and manage resources. 

By the end of the module, students should be able to perform at Level B2+ Independent user (vantage) of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).


The module is delivered in French and will allow students to develop strategies for self-directed and autonomous learning, as well as an understanding of diverse cultural contexts and the ability to engage with and communicate on them thoughtfully and respectfully. 

The syllabus will include the following:


A variety of topics appropriate to the level, including higher education, human rights, diversity (inequalities/discrimination, language...), contemporary French society, politics, literature and film.


Consolidation of major elements, such as all tenses, the negative, passive form, direct & indirect object pronouns, relative pronouns, emphatic pronouns, demonstratives, conjunctions…

Subject-specific and transferable skills
  • Strategies for understanding gist and specific information
  • Strategies to communicate effectively both in writing and orally in French
  • Communication skills: writing and oral presentation, defending one’s point of view
  • Intercultural Awareness, Professionalism, Digital Literacy, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Critical Thinking

Can count towards the Warwick Award: