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Japanese 2 (LL225)



This module is offered to students who have successfully completed LL129 Japanese 1 module or those with good equivalent working knowledge of Japanese (GCSE level or equivalent).

Main Objectives
  • to understand and produce language in familiar and routine situations, using frequently used expressions;
  • to develop strategies for language learning;.
  • to work towards or achieve A2 of CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)

30 CREDITS, also available for 24 CREDITS

Teaching and Learning

One weekly blended sessions for 21 weeks, organised as:

  • asynchronous pre-recorded video(s): accessible through Moodle, to be studied before each synchronous session
  • a two-hour synchronous session: face-to-face on campus

  • homework & independent study

If health & safety restrictions are required, teaching may move online. 

Students are reminded that 1 credit = 10 hours of study, therefore as a 30 credit module, the minimum expected amount of study over the course is 300 hours, which averages over 10 hours per week. A substantial amount of independent study is required. Students can make use of Moodle to facilitate this.


Term 1: one interim test (10%)

Term 3: one reading/writing test (50%) + one speaking test (40%)


Tomoko Fujita 

Course Texts (must be bought by student)

  • Minna no Nihongo Shokyu l Dai 2-Han (2nd edition) Honsatsu (Main Textbook) ISBN-13: 978-4883196036

Course Description

In this module students will learn and reinforce the basics of the Japanese language.
This module will also offer students opportunities to improve their communicative competence in Japanese.
Successful completion of Japanese 2 qualifies students to progress to Japanese 3.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, students should become able to:

  • apply a basic knowledge of grammar
  • gain insight into everyday life in Japan
  • apply strategies for understanding gist and short descriptions
  • interact about familiar topics and activities
  • write simple texts giving background information and relating to areas of immediate need, using correct characters

By the end of the course, students should become able to perform at Level A2 Basic user (waystage) of CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) or close to that level.


The syllabus will include the following:

  • describing people and places
  • asking for permission
  • expressing prohibition
  • making comparisons
  • asking for preference
  • expressing ability or possibility
  • expressing opinions etc.
  • the te-form of verbs and adjectives
  • the dictionary form and the nai-form of verbs
  • modifying clauses etc.

Students will also learn reading and writing of 100 basic Kanji

Subject-specific and transferable skills
  • Written and spoken communication
  • Strategies for understanding gist and specific information
  • Intercultural Awareness, Digital Literacy, Teamwork

Can count towards the Warwick Award

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