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Russian 3 for finalists (LL353)



This module follows on naturally from Russian 2 / Russian Beginners Accelerated. It will offer continuity of learning for those who have completed a second level module. It also provides an opportunity for other students with some prior knowledge to work at an appropriate level to develop their knowledge of the language.

Main Objectives
  • to improve reading, writing, listening and speaking skills
  • to understand and produce texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest
  • to research, analyse and reflect on cultural contexts, enhancing cultural knowledge, as well as intercultural and cross-cultural competencies
  • to achieve A2+/B1 standard of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)


Teaching and Learning
  • two weekly blended sessions for 21 weeks consisting of a two-hour face-to-face seminar on campus and a two-hour synchronous online class in Microsoft Teams
  • four online workshops, each lasting ninety minutes, spread across terms 1 and 2
  • some independent study will also be set


Students are reminded that 1 credit = 10 hours of study, therefore the minimum expected amount of study is 300 hours, which averages over 10 hours per week. A substantial amount of independent study is therefore required. Students can make use of Moodle (a virtual learning environment) to facilitate this.


Term 1: one interim test (10%)
Term 3: one reading/writing test (35%) + one speaking test (40%) + one independent project (15%)

Main Tutor
Dr Maria Belova

Course Texts

Term 1: The Way to Russia: Russian language text-book - part 2. Antonova V.E., Nakhabina M.M. St.Petersburg: Zlatoust.

Term 2: The Way to Russia: Russian language text-book - part 3 vol 1. Antonova V.E., Nakhabina M.M. St.Petersburg: Zlatoust. ISBN: 978-5-86547-504-0

Course Description

This module will offer an opportunity for students not specialising in foreign languages to improve their communicative competence as a supplement to their studies in other disciplines. This module offers students the opportunity to take part in conversation and discussion in a range of predictable social contexts. The stimulus material (aural, written and visual) will not only provide the basis for consolidation of Russian grammar but will also give the students further insight into everyday life in the Russian speaking countries. The course aims to improve students' critical understanding of cultural contexts, develop their skills in effective resource management and autonomous learning, and enhance their analytical and reflective abilities in cross-cultural settings.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • apply a basic knowledge of grammar appropriate to the level
  • apply strategies for understanding gist, specific information, and opinions
  • understand the main points on familiar matters regularly encountered
  • understand texts dealing with descriptions of events and feelings, and with work-related language
  • engage in spontaneous conversation, and describe experiences and events and give reasons for opinions
  • produce text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest
  • critically analyse and reflect on cultural contexts, demonstrating enhanced intercultural and cross-cultural competencies
  • conduct and present independent research into Russophone culture(s) and society(ies)
  • self-monitor and self-regulate their own learning and manage resources 

By the end of the course, students should be able to perform at Level B1 Independent user (threshold) of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference).



    Travel and tourism; people: appearance and character; lifestyle; students and work; cities in Russian speaking countries; social media; education system in Russian speaking countries and home country; cultures, traditions and customs.


    Revision of cases; verbs: reflexive verbs, aspects of verbs; verbs of motion with and without prefixes; comparative and superlative; introduction to active and passive participles; syntax: compound sentence construction, dependent clauses.

    Subject-specific and transferable skills
    • written and spoken communication
    • strategies for understanding gist and specific information
    • strategies for self-directed and autonomous learning
    • an understanding of diverse cultural contexts and an ability to engage with and communicate within them thoughtfully and respectfully 
    • intercultural awareness, professionalism, digital literacy, teamwork, problem-solving

    Can count towards the Warwick Award

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