Spanish Post Beginners (LL192)
Pre-requisite: Successful completion of LLL Spanish Beginners or equivalent level A1.1standard of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)
Description of entry level:
This course is for those who may have studied the language at school some years ago or attended a beginners' course of approximately 50 hours. You have very limited vocabulary and some understanding of basic structures. You can just about cope with predictable situations but lack confidence in other contexts. The course will introduce new tenses and help you to communicate in everyday social and work situations.
Main Objectives:
- To consolidate previous learning and learn how to give information on personal experiences.
- To understand the main point in a conversation on familiar matters regularly encountered in daily life, work and leisure.
- To engage in unprepared conversations on familiar topics.
- To develop an understanding of society and culture.
Teaching will be delivered fully online on MSTeams.
There will be one weekly two-hour online session for 18 weeks.
Term 2 - portfolio.
Course Text (must be bought by student)
- Nos vemos hoy 1, Eva María Lloret Ivorra, Rosa Ribas, Bibiana Wiener, Margarita Görrissen, Marianne Häuptle-Barceló. ISBN: 9788418625169 (book + audio online). Audio tracks available, upon free registration, on the publisher's website. Students can get either the physical book, or the digital version.
Course Description
Based on a step-by-step approach, the course is divided into learning blocks each of which focuses on practical, useful and manageable language. New language is practised via games, role-plays and problem-solving tasks.
Homework tasks will be set each week to consolidate what you have learnt in class.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the module students should be able to:
- understand spoken everyday words and phrases relating to personal needs and interests; understand spoken basic information about people, their family, home, work and hobbies; grasp the essential elements of simple messages and simple announcements;
- understand short simple messages and texts relating to areas of personal relevance; understand key information in leaflets; identify key information in short reports about stories or events
- describe educational background and job; ask and answer simple questions about familiar topics; express likes, dislikes and feelings
- write basic descriptions of events and activities; write simple notes to accept or offer an invitation; thank someone or apologise; write very basic emails requesting information.
Please read our Can-do Statements (link on the right of this page) to see the competence which you will be working towards and can achieve by the end of the year.
Topics and communicative skills such as:
- daily routine
- leisure activities
- expressing likes and dislikes
- ordering food
- making plans
- expressing agreement and disagreement
- talking about the past
Grammar skills such as:
- adverbs and adjectives of quantity
- present tense: regular and common irregular verbs
- present continuous
- immediate future
- present perfect
- preterite
- comparative and superlative
- listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Subject-specific and transferable skills
- Written and spoken communication
- Strategies for understanding gist and specific information
- Intercultural Awareness, Digital Literacy, Teamwork, Problem-solving
- Can count towards the Warwick AwardLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window