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MBA & MIM Information Page

Language Options for MBA and MIM Students October-November 2021

Language modules are a compulsory element of your master's programme.

These tailored courses plan to teach you the basics of a new language. Classes take place in the evening, once a week, in term one (only), for eight weeks and start week commencing 11th October 2021 (week 2 of term 1).

You will be expected to give time and effort to your elected language, in addition to attending each lesson. Attendance is recorded on a weekly basis, if you are unable to attend a class please advise the Language Centre using the email details below. Please note non-attendance will affect references. Where students attend a minimum of 80% of their classes and good progress has been made, a Certificate of Attendance will be awarded by the Language Centre.

Language courses run for eight weeks on either Tuesdays or Thursdays (18:30-20:30 GMT: UK time zone), starting week commencing 11th October 2021. Due to the current global situation; lessons will take place online via Microsoft Teams. 


The following languages are offered – all at beginner level only:

Chinese (Mandarin)






Please indicate your choice by completing the online form:

You must select three language choices no later than 12pm on Wednesday 28 September - please note places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

After this deadline, the online form will no longer be available and any students that have not completed the online form must email with their:

  • Name
  • Student number
  • Details of whether you are an MBA or MiM student
  • List of the languages offered (from above grid) of which you have no knowledge/experience
The Language Centre will allocate places depending on which languages still have places remaining.

IMPORTANT: If you have studied or have experience of any of the above language choices, you cannot select that language.