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Saturday September 30th, 2023: 2nd German Teacher Day.

.... so, the start of term is out of the way. You're thinking about pushing your year 11 and year 13 pupils onwards towards mock and then final exams, about inducting year 10 and year 12 pupils into their new courses, about converting those year 9 pupils, where possible, to keep up a language. And all of this whilst still exuding your natural love of the subject!

Why not come and take a day to recharge, take stock, and also share resources and methods with peers, take part in practical, focussed workshops, engage in enriching exchanges with university staff on matters of German language learning and culture within the curriculum, and strategise about how to promote our beloved subject across the board. With all of this in mind, we cordially invite you to take part in our second pedagogical exchange day for German Teachers, in the Faculty of Arts Building, Warwick University, on Saturday 30th September, 2023.

Building on our first day in summer 2022, we are currently building a programme. Areas of interest that have previously emerged from discussion with colleagues include:

  • orality and pronunciation - acclimatising to the sound of German
  • new learning methodologies for the diverse/ decolonised classroom
  • the 'creative' German classroom, the vocational German classroom
  • reenforcing without alienating - methods for delivering the new GCSE
  • teaching culture today from KS3 to university - examples from Warwick colleagues, moving on to plan and develop collaboratively schemes of work on cultural topics, set texts and film


  • a session presenting, pooling and developing shared resources for promoting German in schools
  • networking opportunities, including meeting Warwick student ambassadors and alumni
  • Looking forward to the German Careers Roadshow at Warwick, exploring the GIMAGINE projects and the new government efforts to promote MFL and German in particular
  • the possibility of guest speakers.

... and potentially other topics, too. This list is far from exhaustive.

Can we encourage you to register here, and in so doing outline your priorities and offer, too, to present or lead a session on a given topic, if you feel able, whether it is listed above or not?

If you've any further, questions then please do get in touch with Nora dot Michaelis at warwick dot ac dot uk or D dot Hall dot 3 at warwick dot ac dot uk. If you haven't already, please do join the network, too.

We look forward to collaborating with you!