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Staff research interests

Shortcuts to staff research interests in: Chinese Studies, French Studies, German Studies, Hispanic Studies, Italian Studies. Translation and Transcultural Studies

Chinese Studies

Dr Qian Liu

Dr Qian Liu
20th-and 21st-century Chinese literature, reception of European literature in China at the turn of the 20th-century, theories and practices of literary translation.

Qian dot Liu dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk

French Studies

Professor Jeremy Ahearne

Professor Jeremy Ahearne
20th- and 21st-century culture, politics and thought.

J dot N dot Ahearne at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Will Amos

Dr Will Amos

Sociolinguistics; language contact; regional and minority languages; language and gender; translation and transcultural studies

W dot Amos at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Katherine Astbury

Dr Katherine Astbury
18th- and 19th-century French and German literature; the French Revolution.

Katherine dot Astbury at warwick dot ac dot uk
Professor Ingrid de Smet

Professor Ingrid De Smet
16th- and 17th-century European literature and society; early modern culture.

I dot de-Smet at warwick dot ac dot uk
Professor Pierre-Philippe Fraiture

Professor Pierre-Philippe Fraiture
19th- and 20th-century French and Belgian literature; francophone (post)colonial literature and thought; African philosophy.

P-P dot Fraiture at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Catherine Hampton

Dr Catherine Hampton
16th-century literature; French Renaissance court society and culture.

C dot M dot Hampton at warwick dot ac dot uk
Professor Seán Hand

Professor Seán Hand
Modern and contemporary literature, autobiography and ethnography; French philosophy and theory; ethics, globalization and governance.

S dot Hand at warwick dot ac dot uk
 Mary Harrod 2

Dr Mary Harrod
Film and media studies; cultural and gender studies; critical theory and aesthetics.

M dot G dot M dot Harrod at warwick dot ac dot uk
Professor Nick Hewlett

Professor Emeritus Nick Hewlett
Modern French politics and society; modern French political thought.

N dot P dot Hewlett at warwick dot ac dot uk

Professor Emeritus Leslie Hill
Philosophy and critical theory; modern and contemporary fiction; film studies.

leslie dot hill at warwick dot ac dot uk
David Lees

Dr David Lees
Modern French history and politics.

D dot W dot Lees at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Stefano Milonia

Dr Stefano Milonia
Old French and Occitan; Medieval Italian Literature; Ecdotics, Textual Criticism, Manuscript Studies; Medieval Music; Digital Humanities; 21st Century Poetry

Stefano dot Milonia at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Douglas Morrey

Dr Douglas Morrey
Film studies; contemporary French fiction; cultural studies.

D dot J dot Morrey at warwick dot ac dot uk

Professor Emerita Linda Paterson
Medieval French and Occitan literature and history.

L dot M dot Paterson at warwick dot ac dot uk
Professor Christopher W. Thompson

Professor Christopher W. Thompson
19th-century literature and art; travel literature; ethnographic and other film.

cw2thompson at gmail dot com
Dr Jessica Wardaugh

Dr Jessica Wardhaugh
Modern French history; street politics; popular theatre; right-wing culture.

J dot Wardhaugh at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Margaux Whiskin

Dr Margaux Whiskin
18th-century literature and thought.

M dot Whiskin at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Susannah Wilson

Dr Susannah Wilson
19th- and 20th-century literature; women's writing; cultural and medical history.

S dot M dot Wilson at warwick dot ac dot uk


German Studies

Dr Christine Achinger

Dr Christine Achinger
Critical social theory and aesthetic theory; constructions of gender, nation and race and their relation to the experience of capitalist modernity; history and theories of antisemitism; Holocaust memory in Germany.

C dot E dot Achinger at warwick dot ac dot uk
Emeritus Professor Rob Burns

Professor emeritus Rob Burns
German working-class culture from the Weimar Republic to the Federal Republic; protest and extra-parliamentary politics in the Federal Republic, including the student movement, the peace movement, the political manifestations of feminism and the environmentalist and ecological movement; diasporic culture in contemporary Germany; the development of ‘migrant’ or ‘Turkish-German’ cinema.

r dot a dot burns at warwick dot ac dot uk
Professor Elisabeth Hermann
German-language literature from the 18th to the 21st century, with special focus on the age of Goethe and Weimar Classicism, post-unification and contemporary literature after 1989, collective identities and cultural memory, representations of the Holocaust in literature, film and art, cultural theories, regional literature, transnationalism, and world literatures.
Elisabeth dot Herrmann at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr James Hodkinson

Dr James Hodkinson
18th -19th century German literature, culture and thought - nationalism and cosmopolitanism; Islam and Orientalism in Germany; Music in modern German culture - sound studies; German Romanticism in historical and contemporary contexts; Gender in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century thought and literature.

j dot r dot hodkinson at warwick dot ac dot uk
Antonia Hofstätter

Dr Antonia Hofstätter
Critical theory, aesthetics, contemporary social and political thought, German idealism, memory studies.

Antonia dot Hofstatter at warwick dot ac dot uk
Andrea Klaus

Andrea Klaus
Second language acquisition, teaching and learning in Higher Education, translation theory and practice, gender studies (women in the workforce)

a dot g dot klaus at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Ian Roberts Dr Ian Roberts
Film and culture in the German Weimar Republic 1919-1933; representations of war and the soldier in contemporary European cinema.
i dot g dot roberts at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Helmut Schmitz

Dr Helmut Schmitz
Post-war and contemporary German literature; post-war German memory cultures; representations of the Nazi period and the Holocaust; German wartime suffering; Love and Intimacy.

h dot schmitz at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Katherine Stone
All aspects of twentieth- and twenty-first century German culture, with a particular focus on gender and memory studies; representations of National Socialism and World War II; memory cultures in East Germany; sexual violence; feminism; women’s writing; motherhood; family relationships and family memory; shifting notions of self and social belonging; memory and emotion.
K dot Stone at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Doro Wiese
Dr Doro Wiese
Representations of Indigeneity, Willie Ermine’s “ethical space,” incommensurable histories, literary comparison, cross-cultural and cross-epistemological conditions, (settler) colonialism, critical race studies, methods of comparison.
Doro dot Wiese at warwick dot ac dot uk


Hispanic Studies

Dr Olga Castro

Dr Olga Castro
Translation and the construction of gender and national identities in the Hispanic world; feminist translation studies; women writers in translation; the politics of translation in non-hegemonic cultures; the transnational travels of texts; self-translation in multilingual contexts; Galician Studies.

Olga dot Castro at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Liz Chant

Dr Elizabeth Chant
Latin American environmental humanities, visual culture, map history, tourism studies, and energy humanities, with a focus on Argentinean and Chilean history and culture.

elizabeth dot chant at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Michela Coletta

Dr Michela Coletta
Global and transnational history, cultural and intellectual history, history of knowledge, environmental humanities, environmental governance, Latin America.

m dot coletta at warwick dot ac dot uk

Professor Kirsty Hooper
Spanish, Anglo-Spanish and Galician cultural history since 1800; global nineteenth century; connections between Spain and other cultures; mobilities (travel, tourism, migration, commerce); relational approaches to cultural history; and the use of digital technologies for humanities research.

k dot hooper at warwick dot ac dot uk
Fabienne Viala

Professor Fabienne Manicom
Comparative studies on the Latin American and francophone historical novel, national memory and crime fiction in Cuban, Spanish and French literatures.

f dot viala at warwick dot ac dot uk
Alison Ribeiro de Menezes

Professor Alison Ribeiro de Menezes
Cultural memory in the Hispanic and Lusophone worlds.

alison dot menezes at warwick dot ac dot uk
Raquel Navas

Ms Raquel Navas
Applied linguistics, second language acquisition and new technologies to support language learning.

r dot navas at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Rich Rabone Dr Rich Rabone
Early modern Spanish literature and thought, 1500-1700; the reception of classical authorities; emblems.
r dot rabone at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Clemencia Rodas-Pérez

Dr Clemencia Rodas-Pérez
Bridging the gap between expert and lay speakers in medical communication in Spanish; identification of university educators and students' discursive strategies in relation to academic writing situated in bilingual and inter-cultural contexts.

m dot c dot rodas-perez at warwick dot ac dot uk
Leticia Villamediana González

Dr Leticia Villamediana González
18th-century Spanish literature, culture and intellectual history; Anglo-Spanish cultural transfers and Spanish periodical press.

l dot villamediana-gonzalez at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Tom Whittaker Dr Tom Whittaker
Spanish cinema; sound studies; cinematic geographies, mobility and architecture in film.
t dot whittaker at warwick dot ac dot uk


Italian Studies


Dr Valentina Abbatelli

Foreign language pedagogy; Translation Studies; Children's literature; Fascism

v dot abbatelli dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk

Professor Jennifer Burns
Migration literature in Italian; post-war narrative fiction; late nineteenth-century literary cultures; political and ethical issues in literature; cinema.

j dot e dot burns at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Fabio A. Camilletti

Dr Fabio A. Camilletti
Nineteenth-century literature and culture from a comparative perspective (Italy, England, France, Germany); critical and literary theory.

F dot Camilletti at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Joanne Lee

Dr Joanne Lee
Travel writing; writings on Italian emigration and contemporary immigration; representations of Italy's colonial past; post-war Italian women's writing.

jo dot lee at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr David Lines

Professor David Lines
Medieval and Renaissance Europe (with a focus on Italy), particularly the classical tradition; intellectual history; institutions of culture and learning; libraries and history of the book.

D dot A dot Lines at warwick dot ac dot uk

Dr Mila Milani
20th century Italian literature and culture; Intellectual History; History of Publishing; Periodical Studies; Sociology of Translation; Cultural Translation and Transculturalism; Translation Studies

M dot Milani at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Cecilia Piantanida

Dr Cecilia Piantanida
Modern and contemporary Italian literature and culture from comparative and transnational perspectives.

Cecilia dot Piantanida at warwick dot ac dot uk


Translation and Transcultural Studies

Dr Will Amos

Dr Will Amos

Sociolinguistics; language contact; regional and minority languages; language and gender; translation and transcultural studies

W dot Amos at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Olga Castro

Dr Olga Castro
Translation and the construction of gender and national identities in the Hispanic world; feminist translation studies; women writers in translation; the politics of translation in non-hegemonic cultures; the transnational travels of texts; self-translation in multilingual contexts; Galician Studies.

Olga dot Castro at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Qian Liu

Dr Qian Liu
20th-and 21st-century Chinese literature, reception of European literature in China at the turn of the 20th-century, theories and practices of literary translation.

Qian dot Liu dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk


Dr Mila Milani
20th century Italian literature and culture; Intellectual History; History of Publishing; Periodical Studies; Sociology of Translation; Cultural Translation and Transculturalism; Translation Studies.

M dot Milani at warwick dot ac dot uk
Dr Lee Purvis

Dr Lee Purvis
Translation and memory (sites of memory, cultural memory studies, travelling memory); Translation and place/space (cities, streets, buildings, archives, museums); Narratology and paratextual studies; Ethnography and narrative inquiry.

lee dot purvis at warwick dot ac dot uk