- De Martino Cappuccio A. (2011). Santander Research Fund. Travel grant in support of visits to S.I.S.U. (Shanghai, China).
- De Martino Cappuccio A. (2011). Roberts' Fund. Travel grant in support of visits to the University Parthenope (Naples), University Ca' Foscari (Venice) and S.I.S.U. (Shanghai, China).
- Videtta A., Marinetti C., De Martino Cappuccio A. (2010). Roberts' Fund. Conference support: Translating Dialect Theatre (Translating Theatre. Migrating Text(s)).
- De Martino Cappuccio A., Toninato P. (2010). Roberts' Fund. Conference support: Empowering Marginalized Voices in Theatre. The Case of Italy and Beyond.
- De Martino Cappuccio A. (2005-2009). University of Warwick Post-Graduate Scholarship.
Conference and event organisation
- Per un teatro al plurale: scene scomparse, scene sommerse, scene riemerse (De Martino A., Puppa P., Toninato P.), British Council, Milan, 30 November 2013
- Book Launch: Differences on Stage (De Martino A., Puppa P., Toninato P. eds.), University of Warwick, 25 October 2013
- De Martino Cappuccio A., Toninato P. International Theatre Conference: Empowering Marginalized Voices in Theatre. The Case of Italy and Beyond
, University of Warwick, 11 May 2011
- Videtta A., Marinetti C., De Martino Cappuccio A. Translating Theatre. Migrating Text(s), University of Warwick, 12 June 2010
- De Martino Cappuccio A., Jestrovic S. Languages at Play: Theatre Translation as Cultural Transfer, University of Warwick, 31 May 2008
Translation interests
Her work in translation spans from law to theatre, and she has worked for various British institutions, including BBC Worldservice and the Royal College of Music. In January 2006 she worked with the Royal Shakespeare Company as an interpreter for Compagnia Pippo Delbono, who staged Henry V, during the Shakespeare Complete Works Festival. She also works as a freelance legal translator for the Italian Consulate in London. She has translated various book chapters and the theatre monologues Ragazze, by Lella Costa, Barboni, by Pippo Delbono, In via Paolo Caliari, Verona, by Paolo Puppa and Louise Bouregois, by Luca De Bei. She has also translated Week-end, by Annibale Ruccello and has directed the project of collaborative translation, with undergraduate students, of Per proteggerti meglio, figlia mia, by Dacia Maraini which will be staged at the Warwick Students Art Festival on 21 June 2014. She will be appearing as a British narrator in the forhtcoming series of five episodes entitled Evil Up Close which will be broadcast by Sky Television in the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the USA.