- (2023) Publishing Contemporary Foreign Poetry: Transnational Exchange in the Italian Publishing Field, 1939-1977 (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press) [ISBN:9781837644407]
Edited Journal Special Issues
- (2018) Francesca Billiani, Daniela La Penna, Mila Milani, eds. “Patterns of Continuity and Rupture in the Italian Literary Field 1930s-1950s”, special issue, Italian Studies.
- (2016) Francesca Billiani, Daniela La Penna, Mila Milani, eds. “Journals and Intellectuals in Italy, 1940-1960: Political, Cultural and Transnational Legacies”, special issue, Modern Italy.
- (2016) Francesca Billiani, Daniela La Penna, Mila Milani, eds. “Mediating Culture in the Italian Literary Field, 1940s-1950s”, special issue, Journal of Modern Italian Studies 21 (1).
Academic Journal Articles
- (2024) '«Il fiore del verso russo?» Soviet poetry, publishing and the PCI in post-war Italy', Twentieth Century Communism 27, pp. 87-110.
- (2018) ‘Carlo Salinari, the PCI, and Transnational Exchanges in Il Contemporaneo (1954-55)’, Italian Studies 73 (2): 181-194.
- (2017) 'The Role of Translation in the History of Publishing: Publishers and Contemporary Poetry Translation in 1960s Italy', Translation Studies 10 (3), pp. 296-311.
- (2017) 'Translation and Ideology in Post-war Italy: Left-wing Publishers and the Italian Communist Party', Twentieth Century Communism 12, pp. 62-87.
- (2016) 'Impegno, national and transnational identities in Il Politecnico and Sud' (1945–1947). Modern Italy, 21 (2), pp. 157-170.
- (2016) ‘From Risorgimento to Il Politecnico: impegno and intellectual networks in the publishing house Einaudi in 1945’, Journal of Modern Italian Studies 21 (1): 35-49.
- (2013) ‘L’editoria italiana e le antologie di poesia straniera contemporanea alle soglie della globalizzazione: sfide metodologiche per lo studio della traduzione’, Transpostcross 3 (1): 1-15.
- (2012) ‘Publishing Contemporary Foreign Poetry in Post-War Italy: a Bourdieusian Perspective on Mondadori and Scheiwiller’, New Voices in Translation Studies 8 (2): 99-114.
- (2009) ‘Pavese & Joyce: monologhi interiori e immagini-racconto’, Poetiche (1): 39-61.
- (2007) ‘Soffici e Apollinaire: Chimismi, Alcools, Simultaneità e Calligrammes tra futurismo e orfismo, Poetiche (3): 587-621
Book Chapters
- (2022) 'Cultural sociology', in The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Methodology, ed. by Federico Zanettin and Christopher Rundle, London: Routledge. pp. 239–253.
- (2014) ‘Il ruolo della traduzione nel campo editoriale italiano di poesia (1953-1969): note sulla poesia tedesca’ in I. Fantappiè and M. Sisto (eds) Letteratura italiana e tedesca: campi, polisistemi, transfer, 97-108, Rome: Istituto di Studi Germanici.
- (2012) ‘Soffici between Marinetti and Apollinaire’, in S. Daly and M. Insinga (eds) The European Avant-Garde: Text and Image, 154-70, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholar Publishing.
Reviews and shorter articles
- (2023) ‘Ben Harker, The Chronology of Revolution: Communism, Culture and Civil Society in Twentieth-Century Britain’, Key Words 20: 127-30.
- (2021) ‘Teresa Franco, La lingua del padrone. Giovanni Giudici traduttore dall’inglese’, Italian Studies 76 (3): 344-45.
- (2021) ‘Gabriel Gonzáles Núñez, Translating in Linguistically Diverse Societies. Translation Policy in the United Kingdom’, The Translator 27 (3): 327-29.
- (2020) ‘Jacob Blakesley, ed. Sociologies of poetry translation: Emerging perspectives’, Translation Studies 13 (1): 121-24.
- (2018) ‘Gianfranco Petrillo (ed), Tradurre: pratiche teorie strumenti’, Italian Studies 73 (1): 120-21.
- (2017) ‘Sharon Wood and Erica Moretti (eds), Annie Chartres Vivanti. Transnational Politics, Identity, and Culture’, H-Italy, July 2017 <>
- (2015) ‘Paolo Soddu (ed), Giulio Einaudi nell’editoria di cultura del Novecento italiano’, Modern Italy 20 (4): 448-50.
- (2015) ‘Giuliana Iannaccaro and Giovanni Iamartino (eds), Enforcing and Eluding Censorship: British and Anglo-American Perspectives’, Between V.9 (May) 2015,
- (2015) ‘Sophie Levie and Massimiliano Tortora (eds), La rivista ‘Commerce’ e Marguerite Caetani. Giuseppe Ungaretti: lettere a Marguerite Caetani’, Modern Language Review 110.3 (July): 884-85.
- (2015) ‘Jacob Blakesley, Modern Italian Poets’, Italian Studies 70 (1): 157-59.
- (2014) ‘Poetry, Publishing and Translation Studies’, ReadingItaly (Italian Studies PG Forum, January issue)
- (2011) ‘Gisèle Sapiro (ed), Les contradictions de la globalisation éditoriale’, Studi Culturali 3: 492-93.