- 'The First German Philosopher': The Mysticism of Jakob Böhme as Interpreted by Hegel, (Dordrecht: Springer, 2016). Series: International Archives of the History of Ideas, 217 [translation of 2]
- ‘Il primo filosofo tedesco’. Il misticismo di Jakob Böhme nell’interpretazione hegeliana (Pisa: ETS, 2012)
- Jakob Böhme, Aurora nascente (chapters 1-7), translated with an introduction by Cecilia Muratori (Milan: Mimesis, 2008)
Edited volumes
- Early Modern Philosophers and the Renaissance Legacy, ed. by Cecilia Muratori and Gianni Paganini (Dordrecht: Springer, 2016). Series: International Archives of the History of Ideas, 220
- Ethical Perspectives on Animals in the Early Modern Period, ed. by Cecilia Muratori and Burkhard Dohm (Galluzzo: SISMEL, 2013). Series: Micrologus’ Library, 55
- The Animal Soul and the Human Mind: Renaissance Debates, ed. by Cecilia Muratori (Pisa-Rome: Fabrizio Serra, 2013). Series: Supplementi of Bruniana & Campanelliana [Studi, 15]
Journal Articles
- ‘Real Animals in Ideal Cities: The Place and Use of Animals in Renaissance Utopian Literature’, in: Renaissance Studies 31.2 (2017), 223-239 (Special Issue on Animals in the Italian Renaissance, ed. by Stephen Bowd and Sarah Cockram)
- ‘In Human Shape to Become the Very Beast!’ – Henry More on Animals’, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25.5 (2017), 897-915
- ‘The Body speaks Italian: Vernacular Aristotelianism in Giuseppe Liceti’s De la nobiltà de’ principali membri dell’huomo (1590)’, Intellectual History Review 27.4 (2017), 473-492
- ‘From Animal Bodies to Human Souls: Animals in Della Porta’s Physiognomics’, Early Science and Medicine 22.1 (2017), 1-23
- ‘Between Machinery and Rationality: Two Opposing Views on Animals in the Renaissance – and Their Common Origin’, in: Lo Sguardo, 18: 2 (2015) (Confini animali dell’anima umana. Prospettive e problematiche, ed. by Myrtha De Meo-Ehlert), 11-22
- ‘Come vermi nel formaggio: La distinzione tra uomo e animali in una metafora Campanelliana’, in: Bruniana & Campanelliana, 21: 2 (2015), 381-394
- ‘La caduta dell’uomo e la sofferenza degli animali nella Disputatio tra Francesco Pucci e Fausto Sozzini’, in: Bruniana & Campanelliana, 17: 1 (2011), 139-149
- ‘Il Figlio caduto e l’origine del male. Una lettura del § 568 dell’Enciclopedia’, in: Archivio di filosofia, 77, n. 2-3, 107-118 (special issue: L’assoluto e il divino. La teologia cristiana di Hegel, ed. by Tommaso Pierini, Georg Sans, Pierluigi Valenza, Klaus Vieweg (Pisa and Rome: Serra, 2011)
- ‘Descartes’ Error and the Barbarity of Western Philosophy: Schopenhauer in Dialogue with Coetzee’s Elizabeth Costello’, in: Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch, 89 (2008), 177-195
- ‘Gegen die Pariasmoral. Schopenhauer über die Ethik des Tierversuchs’, in: ALTEX, 4, 327-334
Book Chapters
- ‘Böhme’s Philosophia’, in Grund und Ungrund: Der Kosmos des mystischen Philosophen Jacob Böhme, ed. by Claudia Brink and Lucinda Martin (Dresden: Sandstein, 2017), 36-49
- ‘Die Utopie der Politik um 1600: Europa und die Welt in der deutschen Rezeption Tommaso Campanellas’, in Ideengeschichte um 1600, ed. by Friedrich Vollhardt and Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann (Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 2017), 113-141
- ‘Animals in the Renaissance: You Eat What You Are’, in Animals: A History, ed. by Peter Adamson and Fay Edwards (Oxford University Press: Oxford), 163-186 and 371-376 [in print]. Series: Oxford Philosophical Concepts
- ‘The Gaze of the Ape: Gabriel von Max’s Affenmalerei and the “Question of All Questions”’, in Animals: A History (see above), 233-237 and 386-387 [in print]
- ‘Food for “Free Thought”: Diet and Libertinism in Theophrastus redivivus and its Sources’, in Les philosophes et la libre pensée (XVIIe-VIIIe siècles), ed. by Lorenzo Bianchi and Gianni Paganini, (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2017), 181-198
- ‘Der Zauber und die Eiche. Hegels Befreiung der philosophischen Sprache Jacob Böhmes’, in Böhme-Studien 4, ed. by Günther Bonheim and Thomas Regehly (Berlin: Weissensee Verlag, 2017), 167-193
- ‘Die Utopie der Politik um 1600: Europa und die Welt in der deutschen Rezeption Tommaso Campanellas’, in Ideengeschichte um 1600: Konstellationen zwischen Schulmetaphysik, Konfessionalisierung und hermetischer Spekulation, ed. by Friedrich Vollhardt and Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann (Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 2017), 113-141
- (with G. Paganini), 'Renaissance and Early Modern Philosophy: Mobile Frontiers and Established Outposts’, in Early Modern Philosophers and the Renaissance Legacy (see above), 1-18
- ‘From Animal Happiness to Human Unhappiness: Cardano, Vanini, Theophrastus redivivus (1659)’, in Early Modern Philosophers and the Renaissance Legacy (see above), 185-200
- ‘Pitagora tra i cannibali: dieta e ordine dei viventi a partire dalla letteratura rinascimentale sul nuovo mondo’, in Bestie, filosofi e altri animali, ed. by Felice Cimatti, Stefano Gensini and Sandra Plastina (Milan: Mimesis, 2016), 143-160
- ‘Jacob Böhme a Londra: la biblioteca teosofica di Christopher Walton’, in Biblioteche filosofiche private: strumenti e prospettive di ricerca, ed. by Renzo Ragghianti and Alessandro Savorelli (Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2015), 133-149
- ‘Seelentheorien nördlich und südlich der Alpen: Taurellusʼ Auseinandersetzung mit Cesalpinosʼ Quaestiones peripateticaeʼ, in Nürnbergs Hochschule in Altdorf. Beiträge zur frühneuzeitlichen Wissenschafts- und Bildungsgeschichte, ed. by Hanspeter Marti and Karin Marti-Weissenbach (Köln/Weimar: Böhlau, 2014), 41-66
- ‘Medical and Ethical Aspects of Vegetarianism: On the Reception of Porphyry’s De abstinentia in the Renaissance’, in Medical Ethics: Premodern Negotiations between Medicine and Philosophy, ed. by Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2014), 143-160
- ‘The Earth’s Perilous Fertility: Telesio on Spontaneous Generation and the Continuity of Living Beings’, in The Animal Soul and the Human Mind: Renaissance Debates, ed. by Cecilia Muratori (Pisa-Rome: Fabrizio Serra, 2013), 131-151
- ‘Introduction’, in The Animal Soul and the Human Mind: Renaissance Debates (see above), 9-26
- ‘Eating (Rational) Animals: Campanella on the Rationality of Animals and the Impossibility of Vegetarianism’, in Ethical Perspectives on Animals in the Renaissance and Early Modern Period, ed. by Cecilia Muratori and Burkhard Dohm (Firenze: SISMEL, 2013), 139-166
- (with B. Dohm) ‘Introduction’, in Ethical Perspectives on Animals in the Renaissance and Early Modern Period (see above), 3-19
- ‘“Inter hominem & bruta nulla est similitudo”. Die Bestimmung der Grenze zwischen Mensch und Tier in De statu primi hominis ante lapsum disputatio’, in Religiöser Nonkonformismus und Frühneuzeitliche Gelehrtenkultur. Akademische Netzwerke und Formen praktizierter Toleranz, ed. by Friedrich Vollhardt (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013), 127-147
- ‘Bread, Wine, and Water: Hegel’s Distinction between Mystical and Symbolical in The Spirit of Christianity and its Fate’, in Symbol and Intuition: Comparative Studies in Kantian and Romantic-Period Aesthetics, ed. by Helmut Hühn and James Vigus (Oxford: Legenda, 2013), 106-122
- ‘La filosofia mistica di Jakob Böhme’, in L’età moderna e contemporanea, ed. by Umberto Eco, vol. 3 (Il Cinquecento. L’età del Rinascimento) (Milan: EM Publishers, 2012), 185-193 [reprinted in La filosofia e le sue storie: l’età moderna, ed. Umberto Eco and Riccardo Fedriga (Rome: Laterza, 2015)]
- ‘Notes on Animals in the Early Nineteenth Century: Observation, Experimentation, Ethics’, in Informal Romanticism, ed. by James Vigus (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2012), 21-36
- ‘Henry More on Human Passions and Animal Souls’, in Emotional Minds, ed. by Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012), 209-226
- ‘Sutores ultra crepidam. Die Debatte über Schusterei und Schwärmerei im Anschluss an Jakob Böhme’, in Dichtung – Gelehrsamkeit – Disputationskultur Festschrift für Hanspeter Marti zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. by Robert Seidel, Reimund B. Sdzuj, Bernd Zegowitz (Köln/Weimar: Böhlau, 2012), 121-146
- ‘“Tanta verborum confusione”. Die Rezeption von Franckenbergs Bericht durch Arnold und Mosheim’, in Offenbarung und Episteme. Zur europäischen Wirkung Jakob Böhmes im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert, ed. by Friedrich Vollhardt and Wilhelm Kühlmann (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2011), 435-449
- ‘Vielfalt der Kulturen aus Hegelscher Sicht’, in Universalismus, ed. by Klaus Vieweg (Weimar: Verlag der Bauhaus-Universität, 2011), 156-167