Current projects
- 2012 – Present. I am currently researching on several topics, some directly related to my PhD Thesis (like Ricardo Darín's stardom), and some expanding to areas such as the filmic representation of Malvinas/Falklands, and Latin American Cinema.
- 2006 – 2012. PhD candidate (part-time), Warwick University. Argentine Cinema and the Representation of Social Crisis during the period 1998-2005. Thesis submitted in October 2012.
Previous projects
- 2004 – 2006. Project Nuevo cine argentino: un espacio de visibilidad (New Argentine Cinema: An Opportunity for Visibility), led by Paula Porta. Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social (UNLP). Code- P119. From 01/01/04 to 31/12/06.
- 2001 -2003. Project La Comunicación de las Noticias en Radio: criterios, lenguaje y tecnología (News Radio Broadcasting: Criteria, Language and Technology) led by Carlos Milito. Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social (FPyCS), (UNLP). Code- P080. From 01/01/01 to 31/12/03.
- IAS Early Career Fellowship (Starting in April 2013). Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) of Warwick University. I work in close collaboration with the newly created Hispanic Studies Department.
- SLAS Travel Grant. The Society for Latin American Studies in the United Kingdom funded my fieldwork in Argentina where I worked in film archives and interviewed with film directors under study in my PhD thesis. UK, 2010.
- La Pesquisa (The Inquiry). Prize Estelares del Espectáculo 2000 for weekly broadcast of public interest. Presenter: Carlos Milito. In charge of the broadcast production. LR11 Radio UNLP. La Plata (Buenos Aires), 2000.
- Norte de Nada (Nowhere North). Distinguished as the best program of public interest by the ACTV (Argentine Cable Television Association). Produced by students of the University of La Plata, I directed one of the episodes in 1995. Channel 3 Dardo Rocha and Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social -UNLP. La Plata, 1994/95/96.
Conferences and talks
Conference papers
- Latin American cinema(s) in black and white. Panel Chair. SLAS Conference, University of Manchester, 11th – 12th April 2013.
- 'Challenging Racialised Regimes of Representations in Adrián Caetano’s Bolivia'. Paper given at the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) Annual Conference, Universtity of St Andrews, Scotland, 8th - 10th April 2011. Read Abstract
- 'Nueve Reinas vs. Criminal: Adaptation or Watered-down Version?'. Paper given at the PILAS Conference, University of Cambridge, 27th – 29th June 2011. Read Abstract
Film introductions
- Malvinas on Film (Las Malvinas en el Cine). Presentation of the film series about the 1982 war between Argentina and the United Kingdom. Argentine Embassy in London. 29 Oct – 19 Nov, 2012. View Programme (English
/ Spanish
- Iluminados por el fuego / Blessed by Fire. Introduction to Tristán Bauer's film about the Malvinas (Falklands) War, and post-screening talk. Warwick Arts Centre, University of Warwick, 12th May 2006.