Monographs, edited and translated volumes
L. Polezzi and E. Di Piazza (eds), special issue on ‘Travel Writing and the Shape of the World’, Textus, XXV: 2 (May-December 2012)
L. Polezzi and S. Ouditt (eds), Studies in Travel Writing, special issue on ‘Travel Writing and Italy’, 16:2 (June 2012)
L. Polezzi and C. Ross (eds), In Corpore: Bodies in Post-Unification Italy (Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson, 2007)
L. Polezzi (ed.), The Translator, special issue on 'Translation, Travel, Migration', 12:2 (Autumn 2006)
J. Burns and L. Polezzi (eds), Borderlines: Migrazioni e identita' nel Novecento (Isernia: Cosmo Iannone Editore, 2003)
L. Polezzi, Translating Travel: Contemporary Italian Travel Writing in English Translation, Studies in European Cultural Transition, 12 (Aldershot & Brookfield: Ashgate, 2001)
R. di Napoli, L. Polezzi, A. King (eds), Fuzzy Boundaries? Modern Languages and the Humanities (London: CILT, 2001)
Lady Bell, Piccolo manuale di giochi per viaggiatori, ed. and trans. by L. Polezzi (Palermo: Sellerio, 1990)
Selected articles
L. Polezzi, 'Description, Appropriation, Transformation: Fascist Rhetoric and Colonial Nature', Modern Italy, special issue on ‘Fascism and Nature’, 19:3 (2014), 287-303
L. Polezzi, ‘A Double Taste of India: The Parallel Travels of Alberto Moravia and Pier Paolo Pasolini’, in India and the World: Postcolonialism, Translation and Indian Literature. Essays in Honour of Professor Harish Trivedi, ed. by Ruth Vanita (New Delhi: Pencraft International, 2014)
L. Polezzi, 'Migration and Translation', Section Introduction, in From Literature to Cultural Literacy, ed. by Naomi Segal and Daniela Koleva (New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) Volume details and 30% special offer
L. Polezzi,‘Of Migrants and Working Men: How Pietro di Donato’s Christ in Concrete Travelled between the US and Italy through Translation’, in Perspectives on Literature and Translation: Creation, Circulation, Reception, ed. by B. Nelson and B. Maher (London: Routledge, 2013), pp. 161-77
L. Polezzi, ‘Dal Bar Mexico al Sahara: fuori e dentro casa con Fabrizia Ramondino’, in 'Non sto quindi a Napoli sicura di casa’. Identità, spazio e testualità in Fabrizia Ramondino, ed. by A. Giorgio (Perugia: Morlacchi, 2013), pp. 37-54
L. Polezzi, ‘Disrupting Europe: Polylingual Models and Common Selves’, Transversal, web journal of the European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies, special issue on ‘A Communality That Cannot Speak: Europe in Translation’; also published in French, German and Spanish translation,
(June 2013); reprinted as Loredana Polezzi, "Europa unterbrechen: Modelle der Polylingualität und des gemeinsamen Selbst", trans. Birgit Mennel, in: Boris Buden, Birgit Mennel, Stefan Nowotny (eds.), Translating Beyond Europe. Zur politischen Aufgabe der Übersetzung, Vienna: Turia + Kant 2013, p. 91-107.
L. Polezzi, ‘Layers of Intimacy: Openness and Segregation in Narrative Representations of the Colonial House’, in Beyond the Piazza: Public and Private Spaces in Italian Culture, ed. by Simona Storchi (Brussels: Peter Lang, 2013), 39-56
L. Polezzi, ‘Il pieno e il vuoto: Visual Representations of Africa in Italian Accounts of Colonial Experiences’, Italian Studies, Cultural Studies issue, 67:3 (2012), 336-59
L. Polezzi, ‘Translation and Migration’, Translation Studies, 5:3 (2012), 345-56
S. Ouditt and L. Polezzi, ‘Introduction: Italy as Place and Space’, Studies in Travel Writing, 16:2 (2012), pp. 97-105
L. Polezzi, 'Migration and Translation', Handbook of Translation Studies, ed. by Yves Gambier & Luc van Doorslaer, vol. 3 (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2012), pp. 102-107
L. Polezzi, ‘Questioni di lingua: fra traduzione e autotraduzione’, in Leggere il testo e il mondo: vent’anni di scrittura della migrazione in Italia, ed. by F. Pezzarossa and I. Rossini (Bologna: CLUEB, 2012), pp. 15-31
L. Polezzi, ‘Precarietà’, in Precarietà e Postautonomia, Quaderni della Libellula (2011), ed. by M. Jansen and F. Colleoni
L. Polezzi, 'Polylingualism and Self-Translation in Pietro di Donato's Christ in Concrete and Giose Rimanelli's Familia, in A. Ledgeway and A. L. Lepschy (eds), Into and Out of Italy: Lingua e cultura della migrazione italiana (Perugia: Guerra, 2010), pp. 137-46.
L. Polezzi, ‘Lingua, identità e storia in Christ in Concrete di Pietro di Donato’, in F. Sinopoli (ed.), La Storia nella scrittura diasporica (Rome: Bulzoni, 2009), 137-61.
L. Polezzi, ‘Intercultural Nonsense? The Humour of Fosco Maraini’, in E. Tarantino and C. Caruso (eds), Nonsense and Other Senses: Regulated Absurdity in Literature (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009), 313-34.
L. Polezzi, ‘L’Etiopia raccontata agli italiani’, R. Bottoni (ed.) in L’Italia e l’Etiopia 1935-1941. A settant’anni dall’Impero fascista (Bologna: il Mulino, 2008), 285-306.
L. Polezzi , 'La mobilita' come modello: ripensando i margini della scrittura italiana’, in A. Gnisci and N. Moll (eds), Studi Europei e Mediterranei, Studi (e testi) italiani 22 (Rome: Università degli Studi di Roma, La Sapienza, 2008), 115-28.
L. Polezzi, ‘L’Etiopia raccontata agli italiani’, in R. Bottoni (ed.) L’Italia e l’Etiopia 1935-1941. A settant’anni dall’Impero fascista (Bologna: il Mulino, 2008), 285-306.
L. Polezzi, ‘Mobility’, in M. Baker and G. Saldanha (eds), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, 2nd edn, revised and extended (London: Routledge, 2008), 172-78.
L. Polezzi: ‘Between the Exotic and the Heroic: Re-reading the African tales of Italian travellers’, Fogli di anglistica, 1-2 (2007), 9-24.
L. Polezzi, ‘“Mal d’Africa” and Its Memory: Heroes and antiheroes in pre- and postwar readings of the Italian presence in Africa’, in D. Hipkins and G. Plain (eds), War-Torn Tales (Peter Lang: 2007), 39-64.
L. Polezzi, 'White, Male, and Italian?: Performing Masculinity in Italian Travel Writing about Africa', in L. Polezzi and C. Ross, In Corpore: Bodies in Post-Unification Italy (Madison: Faireliegh Dickinson, 2007), pp. 29-55
L. Polezzi, 'Introduction: Translation, Travel, Migration', in The Translator, special issue on 'Translation, Travel, Migration', guest ed. Loredana Polezzi, 12:2 (Autumn 2006), 1-20
L. Polezzi, 'Mixing Mother Tongues: Language, Narrative and the Spaces of Memory in Postcolonial Works by Italian Women Writers', Romance Studies, 24:2 (2006), 149-58 and 24:3 (2006), 215-25
L. Polezzi, 'The Mirror and the Map: Italian Women Writing the Colonial Space', Italian Studies, 61:2 (Autumn 2006), 191-205
L. Polezzi, ‘Non solo colonie: l“Africa” raccontata da scrittrici italiane contemporanee’/‘Non solo colonie: “Africa” in the work of contemporary Italian women writers’, in J. Burns e L. Polezzi (eds), Borderlines: Migrazioni e identita' nel Novecento (Isernia: Cosmo Iannone Editore, 2003), pp. 107-23 and pp. 309-21
L. Polezzi, ‘Between Gender and Genre: The Travels of Estella Canziani’, in G. Hooper and T. Youngs, eds, Perspectives on Travel Writing (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004), pp. 121-37
L. Polezzi, 'Vittime o traditori? Vecchie e nuove metafore del tradurre e del traduttore', Semicerchio, xxx-xxxi (2004), pp. 7-10
L. Polezzi, ‘Imperial Reproductions: The Circulation of Colonial Images across Popular Genres and Media in the 1920s and 1930s’, Modern Italy, 8.1 (Spring 2003), pp. 31-47
L. Polezzi, ‘Aristocrats, Geographers, Reporters…: Travelling through ‘Italian Africa’ in the 1930s’, in C. Burdett and D. Duncan (eds), European Travel Writing in the 1930s (Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2002), pp. 187-204
L. Polezzi, ‘Did Someone Just Travel All Over Me? Travel Writing and the Travelee’, In J-Y Les Disez and J. Borm, Seuils & traverses: Enjeux de l’?criture du voyage, 2 vols (Brest: Universit? de Bretagne Occidentale, 2002), vol. II, pp. 303-12
L. Polezzi, 'Travels through Translated Africa', Anglistica, special issue on 'Texts in Transit', 5.1-2 (2001), pp. 79-103
L. Polezzi, 'Esotismi-eroismi: motivi d'Africa nell'immaginario fascista', in A. Brilli and F. Chieli, eds, Immagini e retorica di regime (Milan: Motta, 2001), pp. 51-54
L. Polezzi: ‘Reflections of Things Past: Building Italy through the Mirror of Translation’, New Comparison 29 (2000), pp. 27-47; reprinted in Translation Studies: Critical Concepts in Linguistics, ed. by M. Baker, 4 vols (London: Routledge, 2009), vol. II, pp. 262-82
L. Polezzi & R. Di Napoli, ‘What Language Does Italian Culture Speak?’, in K. Seago and N. Mc Bride (eds), Target Culture – Target Language?, AFSL/CILT Current Issues in University Language Teaching Series (London: CILT, 2000), pp. 93-115
L. Polezzi, ‘Different Journeys along the River: Claudio Magris’s Danubio and Its Translation’, MLR, 93.3 (July 1998), 678-94; reprinted in T. Youngs and C. Forsdick (eds), Travel Writing: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies, 4 vols (London: Routledge, 2012), vol. I.
L. Polezzi, ‘Oltre la fine del viaggio: Fosco Maraini’, Antologia Viesseux, n.s. 4.10 (January-April 1998), 35-46
L. Polezzi, ‘Rewriting Tibet: Italian Travellers in English Translation’, The Translator, special issue on Translation & Minority, guest editor Lawrence Venuti, 4.2 (November 1998), 321-42
L. Polezzi, ‘Thomas Jones: autobiografia e viaggio nelle memorie d’un paesaggista gallese in Italia’, Intersezioni, 18.1 (April 1998), 67-84
L. Polezzi, ‘L’antipellegrino: ribaltamenti di un modello del viaggiare’, in B. Cleri (ed.), Homo Viator (Urbino: Quattro Venti, 1997), pp. 65-79
L. Polezzi, 'Concordancers in the Design and Implementation of Foreign Language Courses', Computers and Education, 23.1-2 (August/September 1994), 89-96.
L. Polezzi, 'Piero a Bloomsbury', in A. Brilli (ed.), Piero della Francesca nella cultura europea e americana (Arezzo: Universita' degli studi di Siena, 1993), pp. 21-39
L. Polezzi, 'Concordancing and the Teaching of Ab Initio Italian Language for Specific Purposes', ReCALL, 9 (November 1993), pp. 14-18
Textbooks and other FLT materials
Italia 2000, Multimedia Italian Course (Milan: Giunti, 1999); co-author and member of methodological committee of the Italia 2000 consortium
L. Polezzi and R. Peressini, Italianissimo 1 Activity Book (London: BBC books, 1994)
L. Polezzi, Short Stories in Italian, BBC Radio 4, December 1994
L. Polezzi, Short Stories in Italian - 2nd series, BBC Radio 4, November 1995
L. Polezzi, 'Sono solo informazioni, non e' cultura', in El Ghibli, special issue in memory of Julio Monteiro Martins, March 2015
L. Polezzi, 'Sixteen Cats on One Tree', in Venetian Miscellany, 2011
L. Polezzi, 'Mobilita'', in AdAltaVoce: Parole per L’Italia, 2011,
L. Polezzi, 'Dialoghi di frontiera: l’italianità declinata in culture’, interview by S. Pitari, FormaFluens (January-March 2011),pp. 7-11
L. Polezzi, ‘Ospitalita' '/’Hospitality’, French trans. ‘Hospitalite' ’ by J.-Y. Le Disez, in I. Berne' and J.Y. Le Disez (eds), Ecriture en partage…: Brest-Finistere allers-retours (Brest: Langues du Tonnerre/hopala!, 2003), pp. 48-49
L. Polezzi, 'Estella's Travels', in Louisa Starr Canziani and Estella Canziani: Two Artist Travellers, exhibition catalogue, Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, 29th March - 15th June 2003, pp. 6-10