Publications Loredana Polezzi
L. Polezzi,Translating Travel: Contemporary Italian Travel Writing in English Translation, Studies in European Cultural Transition, 12 (Aldershot & Brookfield: Ashgate, 2001)
Edited and Translated Volumes
J. Burns and L. Polezzi (eds), Borderlines: Migrazioni e identit? nel Novecento (Isernia: Cosmo Iannone Editore, 2003)
R. di Napoli, L. Polezzi, A. King (eds), Fuzzy Boundaries? Modern Languages and the Humanities (London: CILT, 2001)
Lady Bell, Piccolo manuale di giochi per viaggiatori, ed. and trans. by L. Polezzi (Palermo: Sellerio, 1990)
L. Polezzi, ‘Non solo colonie: l“Africa” raccontata da scrittrici italiane contemporanee’/‘Non solo colonie: “Africa” in the work of contemporary Italian women writers’, in J. Burns e L. Polezzi (eds), Borderlines: Migrazioni e identit? nel Novecento (Isernia: Cosmo Iannone Editore, 2003), pp. 107-23 and pp. 309-21
L. Polezzi, ‘Between Gender and Genre: The Travels of Estella Canziani’, in G. Hooper and T. Youngs, eds, Perspectives on Travel Writing (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004), pp. 121-37
L. Polezzi, ‘Imperial Reproductions: The Circulation of Colonial Images across Popular Genres and Media in the 1920s and 1930s’, Modern Italy, 8.1 (Spring 2003), pp. 31-47
L. Polezzi, ‘Aristocrats, Geographers, Reporters…: Travelling through ‘Italian Africa’ in the 1930s’, in C. Burdett and D. Duncan (eds), European Travel Writing in the 1930s (Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2002), pp. 187-204
L. Polezzi, ‘Did Someone Just Travel All Over Me? Travel Writing and the Travelee’, In J-Y Les Disez and J. Borm, Seuils & traverses: Enjeux de l’?criture du voyage, 2 vols (Brest: Universit? de Bretagne Occidentale, 2002), vol. II, pp. 303-12
L. Polezzi, 'Travels through Translated Africa', Anglistica, special issue on 'Texts in Transit', 5.1-2 (2001), pp. 79-103
L. Polezzi, 'Esotismi-eroismi: motivi d'Africa nell'immaginario fascista', in A. Brilli and F. Chieli, eds, Immagini e retorica di regime (Milan: Motta, 2001), pp. 51-54
L. Polezzi: ‘Reflections of Things Past: Building Italy through the Mirror of Translation’, New Comparison, 29 (Spring 2000), pp. 27-47
L. Polezzi & R. Di Napoli, ‘What Language Does Italian Culture Speak?’, in K. Seago and N. Mc Bride (eds), Target Culture – Target Language?, AFSL/CILT Current Issues in University Language Teaching Series (London: CILT, 2000), pp. 93-115
L. Polezzi, ‘Different Journeys along the River: Claudio Magris’s Danubio and Its Translation’, MLR, 93.3 (July 1998), 678-94
L. Polezzi, ‘Oltre la fine del viaggio: Fosco Maraini’, Antologia Viesseux, n.s. 4.10 (January-April 1998), 35-46
L. Polezzi, ‘Rewriting Tibet: Italian Travellers in English Translation’, The Translator, special issue on Translation & Minority, guest editor Lawrence Venuti, 4.2 (November 1998), 321-42
L. Polezzi, ‘Thomas Jones: autobiografia e viaggio nelle memorie d’un paesaggista gallese in Italia’, Intersezioni, 18.1 (April 1998), 67-84
L. Polezzi, ‘L’antipellegrino: ribaltamenti di un modello del viaggiare’, in B. Cleri (ed.), Homo Viator (Urbino: Quattro Venti, 1997), pp. 65-79
L. Polezzi, 'Concordancers in the Design and Implementation of Foreign Language Courses', Computers and Education, 23.1-2 (August/September 1994), 89-96.
L. Polezzi, 'Piero a Bloomsbury', in A. Brilli (ed.), Piero della Francesca nella cultura europea e americana (Arezzo: Universit? degli studi di Siena, 1993), pp. 21-39
L. Polezzi, 'Concordancing and the Teaching of Ab Initio Italian Language for Specific Purposes', ReCALL, 9 (November 1993), pp. 14-18
Textbooks and other FLT materials
Italia 2000, Multimedia Italian Course (Milan: Giunti, 1999); co-author and member of methodological committee of the Italia 2000 consortium
L. Polezzi and R. Peressini, Italianissimo 1 Activity Book (London: BBC books, 1994)
L. Polezzi, Short Stories in Italian, BBC Radio 4, December 1994
L. Polezzi, Short Stories in Italian - 2nd series, BBC Radio 4, November 1995
L. Polezzi, ‘Ospitalita' '/’Hospitality’, French trans. ‘Hospitalite' ’ by J.-Y. Le Disez, in I. Berne' and J.Y. Le Disez (eds), Ecriture en partage…: Brest-Finistere allers-retours (Brest: Langues du Tonnerre/hopala!, 2003), pp. 48-49
L. Polezzi, 'Estella's Travels', in Louisa Starr Canziani and Estella Canziani: Two Artist Travellers, exhibition catalogue, Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, 29th March - 15th June 2003, pp. 6-10