Publications and Conferences
Selected Publications
- Sara Boezio, 'Regenerating at the turn of the century: Ibsen’s, Tolstoy’s, and Zola’s metaphors of (re)birth in fin-de-siècle Italy' in The Poetics of Decadence in fin-de-siècle Italy. Degeneration and Regeneration in Literature and the Arts (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2017, pp. 49-89)
- Sara Boezio, ‘La narrativa tra psicopatologia e paranormale. Da Tarchetti a Pirandello - by Federica Adriano’ (review) published in:
- Sinestesie. Rivista di Studi sulle Letterature e le arti europee, special issue on ‘Sentieri della modernità da Leopardi a Pasolini’, 13 (2015), pp. 415-419;
- Osservatorio bibliografico della Letteratura italiana Otto-Novecentesca, V: 20 (2015), pp. 138-140.
- Sara Boezio, ‘L’esperienza della lettura in ottica cognitiva: un inquadramento teorico e un saggio di lettura di Mrs. Dalloway fra simulazione incarnata (embodied simulation) e teoria della mente (theory of mind)’, Between: Rivista dell’Associazione di Teoria e Storia Comparata della Letteratura, 4:7 (2014), pp. 39
- Sara Boezio, ‘Derobertiana’, Revue des études italiennes, special issue on ‘Federico De Roberto: le deuil des illusions’ (Juillet-Décembre 2011), pp. 309-330.
- Sara Boezio, ‘La poetica cognitiva tra scienze cognitive e critica letteraria: presupposti e convergenze’, Italianistica, special issue on ‘Letteratura e scienze cognitive: teorie e analisi’, ed. by A. Casadei, S. Boezio, I. Campeggiani, V. Ribechini, 3 (2011), pp. 19-46.
Selected conference papers
- 'Reassessing the legacy of the nineteenth century in fin-de-siècle Italy', MLA (Modern Language Association) Annual convention (New York, January 4-7, 2018)
- 'Polemics about the century’s end in two fin-de-siècle Italian periodicals (1898-1902): La Vita Internazionale and La Nuova Parola', Conflict in the Periodical Press – 6th Annual Conference of the European Society for Periodical Research (IULM, Milan, June 28-30, 2017)
- 'Looking to the Future through the Lens of the Past: Fin-de-siècle Italy's Torn Stance at the Turn of the Century',
School of Advanced Study at the University of London - Institute of Modern Languages Research (Senate House, London, February 16, 2017) - ‘ “Alla fine del tempo dello scontento universale”: agonising bodies and ascensional rebirths in fin-de-siècle Italy’, Turning Points. Cultures of Transition, Transformation and Transmission in Italy – Society for Italian Studies Interim Conference (Trinity College Dublin, April 29-30, 2016)
- ‘Sogno, meraviglioso e occulto in D’Annunzio, Fogazzaro e Sante De Sanctis’, Bramosia dell'ignoto. Esoterismo, occultismo e fantastico nella letteratura italiana tra fin de siècle e avanguardia (Italian Cultural Institute in Prague, April 13-15, 2016)
- ‘Journals as new parties: foreign policy in fin-de-siècle Italian periodicals’, Politics and Periodicals – 4th International Conference of the European Society for Periodical Research (Stockholm, September 10-11, 2015)
- ‘The degenerative paradigm in fin-de-siècle Italian literature’, Modern Languages Symposium (University of Warwick, May 26, 2015)
- ‘The bodily experience between Cognitive Science and Humanities: a neuro-humanistic approach’, (Un)human Relations (University of Toronto, May 5-7, 2015)
- ‘Disruption of the canon and linguistic innovation in Matilde Serao and Sibilla Aleramo’, 46th NeMLA (Northeast Modern Language Association) Annual Convention (Toronto, April 30-May 3, 2015)
- ‘Degeneration as an aesthetic category in fin-de-siècle Italian literature’, VIII Annual Graduate Conference in Italian Studies (University College Cork, February 28, 2015)
- ‘ “Dare la speciale fisionomia della propria epoca”: the contemporary and the avant-garde novel in the works of Luigi Capuana, Vittorio Pica, Gaetano Trezza, and other fin-de-siècle Italian literary critics’, The Contemporary and its Histories – Society for Italian Studies Postgraduate Colloquium (University of St Andrews, November 7, 2014)
- ‘L’esperienza della lettura di testi narrativi: fra simulazione incarnata e teoria della mente’, Poteri della retorica – XI Convegno Annuale dell’Associazione di Teoria e Storia Comparata della Letteratura (Università degli Studi di Parma, December 11-13, 2013)
Selected Workshops
- Presentation about Milan: Crossroad of Cultures at the Conference showcase of the School of Modern Languages Symposium (University of Warwick, May 24, 2016)
- Meshing Disciplines: Where Humanities and Science collide. An exploration of Cognitive Science (University of Warwick, May 17, 2016) funded by CADRE (Centre for Arts Doctoral Research Excellence)
Organised Conferences and Panels
- International Conference Literary Journalism in Times of Crisis and Transition, 1870-1970 (University of Warwick, November 26, 2016) co-organised with Giulia Brecciaroli (University of Warwick)
- International Conference Milan: Crossroad of Cultures (Milan, September 22-23, 2016) co-organised with Marco Bellardi (University of Birmingham), Giulia Brecciaroli and Maria Belova (University of Warwick)
- Panel: Times of Crisis and Transformation in fin-de-siècle and early 20th-century Italy at the Society for Italian Studies Interim Conference, ‘Turning Points. Cultures of Transition, Transformation and Transmission in Italy’ (Trinity College Dublin, April 29-30, 2016)
- Panel: Fin de siècle: the crisis of the century at the Canadian Society for Italian Studies Annual conference (Sorrento, June 19-21, 2015)
- Postgraduate conference: Representation in the Arts – Millburn House Symposium (University of Warwick, May 27, 2015) co-organised with Barbara Ottmann (Film Studies), Zoe Shacklock (Film Studies), James Taylor (Film Studies), and Liz Turner (Theatre Studies)
Editorial activities
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Bullettin of the Scuola Normale Superiore Alumni Association, 2011-
- Member of the Editorial Board of the academic journal Italianistica (Pisa-Roma: Fabrizio Serra editore), 2011-
- Editorial Assistant in the publishing house Bompiani (Rizzoli, Milan), 2011-2012
Professional associations
- AAIS – American Association for Italian Studies
- CSIS – Canadian Society for Italian Studies
- SIS – Society for Italian Studies
- ESPRit – European Society for Periodical Research
- ENS Alumni – Association des anciens élèves et des amis de l’École Normale Supérieure (Ulm et Lyon)
- SNS Alumni – Associazione Normalisti (Secretary of the Executive Board, 2012-15)