- Humanities Research Fund, University of Warwick (UK)
Travel Grant to attend as a speaker the Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting in Berlin (26-28 March 2015). - Fondation Hardt (Genève) - Bourse de Recherche.
Three-week research grant to study and live at the Hardt Foundation. - Humanities Research Centre (University of Warwick) - Transatlantic Fellowship.
Three-week research grant to present a paper at the Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference (New York) and study early modern manuscripts at the Columbia University Library (New York) and Houghton Library, Harvard (Boston) (March-April 2014). - Newberry Library – Chicago. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fund.
Two-week research grant to study early modern manuscripts and printed-editions at the Newberry Library (May 2013). - Winner (with M.Piperno and K.Willman) of the 2012 Postdoctoral Fellowship launched by Warwich Humanities Research Centre for the conference proposal ‘Italy made in England: Contemporary British Perspectives of Italian Culture’ (which took place on 22 February 2014).
- Member of the SGSS School of Excellence (Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori, Padua) (October 2007 – June 2012).
- Took part in the Socrates-Erasmus exchange programme at the Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 (Paris, France) (September 2010 – June 2011).
Invited Conference Papers
- ‘Horace chez Bernardo Tasso: réécrire les odes en vers italiens’, Paris, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Conference ‘Chacun son Horace. Horace dans les débats poétiques en Europe XVe-XVIIe siècles’ (11-12 June 2015)
- 'Hymnographie païenne en Italie: une ode latine à Apollon par Monseigneur Della Casa entre le Fons Bandusiae et le Carmen Saeculare', Paris, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Conference 'Horace, un laboratoire poétique: paraphrases, transpositions, détournements' (20 June 2014).
- 'Escursioni cinquecentesche «non senza Horatio in mano»', Warwick University, 'Banda Larga' Seminars (6 February 2014).
- 'Presenze oraziane nelle Rime di Celio Magno'. Padova, Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori, Conference 'Canzonieri in transito. Lasciti petrarcheschi e nuovi archetipi letterari tra Cinque e Seicento' (20 June 2012).
Conference Papers
- ‘Horace’s Odes in Sixteenth-Century Italy’, Oxford University, The Society for the Italian Studies Biennial Conference. Session ‘Renaissance Translations of Ancient Tragedy and Poetry’ (28-30 September 2015)
- ‘Lepanto on Stage: The Venetian Celebrations for the 1571 Victory over the Turks’, Berlin, The Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference (26-28 March 2015)
- 'Re-Uses of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of Manzoni's Il Conte di Carmagnola', Warwick University, Sub-Faculty of Modern languages Postgraduate Symposium (2-3 June 2014).
- 'Il mito di Piramo e Tisbe nell'Amorosa visione boccacciana', Zurich, American Association for Italian Studies Annual Conference (23-25 May 2014).
- 'Presence and use of Horatian Carmina in Sixteenth-century Venice', University of Warwick , Conference 'Using Abusing, Misusing Latin in the Early Modern Period' (25-26 April 2014).
- 'The Works of Celio Magno: An Horatian Petrarchist in Late Sixteenth-century Venice', New York, The Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference (27-29 March 2014).
- 'Horatian tesserae in Alamanni’s Opere toscane: A new source for the French imitation of Horace', The Warburg Institute, Conference 'Horace in Renaissance France' (29 November 2013).
- 'The Horatian Model in the Renaissance: The Case of the Italian Book of Rhymes', Warwick University, Arts Faculty Semirar Series (20 November 2013).
- 'Forces and Forms of Imitative Power in the Sixteenth-century Petrarchism: the Horatian Lesson as Centrifugal and Allotropic Variable in the Italian Lyrical Poetry', Reading University, The Society for the Italian Studies Postgraduate Colloquium (8 November 2013).
- 'Appunti sulla struttura del Canzoniere di Celio Magno'. Roma, XVI Congresso ADI (18- 21 September 2013).
- 'The influence of Horace in Giovanni Della Casa's Latin Poetry'. Durham University, The Society for the Italian Studies Biennial Conference (8-11 July 2013).
- 'Censorship in Renaissance Translation: the Case of Ludovico Dolce'. St. Andrews University, Conference 'Censorship and Deviance' (5 July 2013).
- ‘Didascalie ed elementi paratestuali nelle Rime di Celio Magno’. Toronto University, GSAIS Conference 'Philological Concerns: Textual Criticism throughout the Centuries' (2-4 May 2013).