Matthew Coneys
PhD student
Email: M dot H dot Coneys at warwick dot ac dot uk
Humanities Building, University Road
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
Matthew Coneys began his PhD (funded by the AHRC) in the Department of Italian Studies in 2013, under the supervision of Professor Simon Gilson. His research interests include the history of the book, especially during the Medieval and Renaissance periods, and representations of the East in Italian writing. In 2015/16, Matthew is teaching on Marco Polo on the BA in Modern Languages module 'Languages and Cultures Beyond Boundaries'. He is a current holder of a Humanities Research Centre Doctoral Fellowship.
Research interests
Matthew's PhD research focuses on the reception of the Italian version of the Book of John Mandeville, an account of a fictitious pilgrimage to Jerusalem and subsequent journey to the Far East that circulated in Italy from circa 1400. The book is notable not only for its popularity across a wide range of social groups, but also for the number of ways in which it was read and the diverse reactions that it provoked. Through examining the Italian vernacular manuscript and print traditions, he intends to explore the reception of the text by different readerships and its impact on representations of the East in Italian culture.
Matthew's broader research interests include:
- Medieval and Renaissance travel writing
- Pilgrimage culture
- History of the book
- Representations of the East in Italian culture
- Heterodoxy and popular religion (15C and 16C)
- History of cartography
LN101 Languages and Cultures Beyond Boundaries
MA Medieval and Renaissance Studies (University College London)
BA Modern and Medieval Languages (University of Cambridge)