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Reece Goodall

I am one of the Directors of Student Experience and Progression for the Faculty of Arts. I have recently completed a PhD in French Studies on contemporary horror media in France, funded by an SMLC Doctoral Fellowship, under the supervision of Dr Mary Harrod and Dr Douglas Morrey. I am also an Early Career Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies, and I have teaching responsibilities in the SMLC and the Department of Chemistry.


Office hour:

Thursday, 16:00-17:00 (or drop me an email to arrange an appointment - I'm always happy to meet and chat if I can lend a hand!)

Research Interests

French/US horror cinema

The history of horror cinema

Genre in French cinema

The interplay between popular media, news and politics

Film music

Parody in film and television

Conference Papers

'Reevaluating Carry On Screaming's (1966) Role in the Horror Parody Canon' - Carry On Conferencing, University of Warwick (May 2024)

''We all go a little mad sometimes': re-evaluating depictions of mental illness in the Psycho sequels' - Nightmare24, The Northern School of Art (April 2024)

‘The most reverent and holy slimeballs’: religious commentary in The Exorcist and Repossessed' - Cine-Excess 2023: Raising Hell: Demons, Darkness and the Abject, Birmingham City University (October 2023)

'Histoires de la sorcière: narratives of witchcraft in Marianne (2019)' - Witchcraft and the Supernatural in Belief, Practice and Depiction, Romancing the Gothic (August 2023)

'A Titane of French horror: an auteurial and genre analysis of Julia Ducournau' - Fear 2000: Horror Uncaged, Sheffield Hallam University (July 2023)

‘Untold stories: positioning Candyman through its unmade sequels’ - Candyman and the whole damn swarm, Sheffield Hallam University (October 2022)

'"I've seen this movie before": marketing the requel' - Fear 2000: Horror Undying, Sheffield Hallam University (July 2022)

'What's 'European' about European horror?' - Weekday Night Bites, BAFTSS Horror Studies (October 2021) - organiser and chair - link

'Alexandre Aja: a post-national genre auteur II?' - Global Gallicisms II: Circulating Frenchness through Mainstream Film and Television, University of Warwick/University of Paris (September 2021)

'La Rage du Démon: rewriting France’s history of horror' - Fear 2000: Horror Unbound, Sheffield Hallam University (September 2021)

'La nuit a dévoré la France: zombie cinema and French national identity' - Theorizing Zombiism 2: Undead Again, University of Gothenburg (July 2021)

'Alexandre Aja: a post-national genre auteur?' - NECS 2021, University of Palermo (June 2021)

'Fear and the banlieue in French horror cinema' - SMLC Postgraduate Symposium, University of Warwick (January 2021)

''I was a lonesome cowboy': the Western and nostalgia in the Toy Story series' - Genre/Nostalgia, University of Hertfordshire (January 2021)

'Taking The Good Fight to Trump: impeachment and the 25th Amendment as narrative devices' - Trump, Television and the Media: From Drama to "Fake News" to Tweetstorms, London Metropolitan University (October 2020)

'"It's Your Crazy Mother!": maternal themes in the films of Maury and Bustillo' - Fear 2000: contemporary horror worldwide, Sheffield Hallam University (June 2019)


Goodall, Reece, and Mary Harrod, 'Netflix Original Films and European Auteur Cinema: 'Universal' 'Particularities in Alexandre Aja's Oxygen' in Christopher Meir and Roderik Smits (eds.), European Cinema in the Streaming Era: Policy, Platforms, and Production (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024), pp. 281-299

Goodall, Reece, 'Fact, fiction, and Conjuring a spin-off: narrative verisimilitude in Annabelle Comes Home (2019)' in Todd K. Platts (ed.), The "True" Case Files of the Warrens: Essays on The Conjuring Franchise (Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming)

___, ‘Mann and the Everyman: James Stewart, American Masculinity and Hollywood Stardom’ in R. Munro (ed.), ReFocus: The Films of Anthony Mann (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming)

___, ‘Race, class and the Goal of the Dead: marginalised identities in French zombie cinema’ in L. Flores, E. Tonkin and C. Heffernan (eds.), Zombies, Pandemics and Politics (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, forthcoming)

___, ‘“Skip the drama, stay with mama”: a close analysis of anti-motherhood in Tangled’s “Mother Knows Best”’ in B. Thomas (ed.), Representations of Parenting and Parenthood in Disney-Animated Films (forthcoming)

___, ‘Vampire Capitalism: Daybreakers and American Bloodsuckers’ in S. Bacon (ed.), The Vampire States of America (Abingdon: Routledge, forthcoming 2024)

___, 'Alexandre Aja: a post-national genre auteur' in Mary Harrod and Raphaëlle Moine (eds.), Is it French? Popular Postnational Screen Fiction from France (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023), pp. 89-105

___, 'Folk Horror in Inside No. 9: ‘Mr. King’ and Contending Eco-narratives' in Simon Bacon (ed.), Future Folk Horror: Contemporary Anxieties and Possible Futures (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023), pp. 303-316

___, 'Game Horror as a Reflection of America', Offscreen 27:6-7 (2023) - link

___, 'Teenage Alienation and Fractured Identities: Re-Evaluating Wes Craven’s My Soul to Take' in Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns and John Darokwski (eds.), A Critical Companion to Wes Craven (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023), pp. 91-104

___, 'Vampires and the Western' in Simon Bacon (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of the Vampire (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023), 1-14 - link

___, ‘“Watch carefully what is about to happen”: Les Documents Interdits and the interrogation of France’s cultural memory’, Horror Homeroom, Special Issue 7 (2023): 37-45 - link

___, 'What makes a major? Recent books on French studios', French Screen Studies 23:1 (2022): 36-41 - link

___, 'Opening the Cabinet: Composing a Score for Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari', Weimar Film Network (2021) - link

___, Ralph Fiennes vocal stardom series, Animation Studies 2.0 (2021)

  • 'Re-evaluating celebrity vocal stardom through the animated villains of Ralph Fiennes' - link
  • 'Contextualising Rameses in the stardom of Ralph Fiennes' - link
  • 'Accent, inflection, and Lord Victor Quartermaine' - link
  • 'How voice makes a villain: Fiennes and the Moon King' - link

___, 'John Kramer for President: the rise of authoritarian horror', Horror Studies 11:1 (2020): 123-140

Teaching and Responsibilities


CH169 - Beyond Science: Collaborative Student-Led Challenges (group mentor)

FR121 - The Story of Modern France (lectures on Jacques Audiard/Un héros très discret and Ladj Ly/Les Misérables)

FR268 - French Cinema and Society from the First to the Second World War (module convenor, 2023-24)

FR335 - Gender and Representation in French Film and Media since 1970 (lecture and seminar on Julia Ducournau/Grave)


FR340 - States of the Nation: French Cinema & Society from 1995 to the present (seminars on Lucie Aubrac and François Ozon)

Supervisory experience

URSS (2023) - project on extreme cinema in France

World CUR (2023; with Mary Harrod) - project on comparative legal systems in USA and the UK


The Fear Network (2024-)

Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick (2023-)

BAFTSS Horror Studies Special Interest Group (2020-)

Producing the Post-National Popular network (2019-2023)