Lettres persanes
Please see the information here to prepare for the first seminar:
Montesquieu, 1973 [1721]. Persian Letters. Translated with an introd. and notes, by C.J. Betts. (London: Penguin, 1973)
Christopher Betts, Montesquieu: Lettres Persanes (Grant and Cutler, 1994)
Lisa Lowe, 'Rereadings in Orientalism: Oriental Inventions and Inventions of the Orient in Montesquieu's Lettres persanes', Cultural Critique, No 15 (Spring, 1990, 115-143).
Berman, Marshall. 1971. The politics of authenticity : radical individualism and the emergence of modern society (London : Allen and Unwin)
Euben, Roxanne L. 2008. Journeys to the other shore: Muslim and Western travelers in search of knowledge (Princeton UP).
Mallinson, Jonathan 1993. 'Usbek, language and power: images of authority in Montesquieu's Lettres persanes', French Forum, 18 (1993), 23-36.
Hundert, E J. 1990. ‘Sexual Politics and the Allegory of Identity in Montesquieu's Persian Letters’, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation (31:2), 101-115.