IT103 Italian for Literature Students
Joanne Lee, room H416, Jo dot Lee at warwick dot ac dot uk (module convenor, translation tutor)
Giulia Brecciaroli, G dot Brecciaroli at warwick dot ac dot uk (literature seminars)
Valentina Abbatelli, V dot Abbatelli at warwick dot ac dot uk (language tutor - linked to IT105)
Module description
This module is designed as an introduction to Italian language and literature for students from the English Department. Students study a selection of Italian poetry and prose alongside a beginners' language module (usually IT105). The module develops a broad understanding of the cultural movements which shaped Italian literary production in the twentieth century and is based on close readings of poems and short stories by Giuseppe Ungaretti, Eugenio Montale, Italo Calvino, Leonardo Sciascia, Primo Levi and Dacia Maraini. Parallel texts are used to explore the complexities of translation; there is a separate translation class in Term 3 to further develop students' sensitivity to the translation process.
No previous knowledge of Italian is needed as the course is for absolute beginners. However, we can accommodate students with an existing knowledge of Italian language by arrangement with Dr Caterina Sinibaldi (room H414, C dot Sinibaldi at warwick dot ac dot uk).
Assessment is by two essays (1,500 words each), based on the literature texts studied and by language examination.
The first essay is due on Monday, week 10, term 2 (13 March) at 12 noon and the second essay is due on Monday, week 3, term 3 (8 May) at 12 noon. Both essays are to be submitted online via Tabula and a hard copy handed to the School Office (room H0.57).
Assessed essay 1: 25%
Assessed essay 2: 25%
Oral exam: 10%
Written exam: 30%
Language test at end of term 1: 5%
Language test at end of term 2: 5%
The written exam comprises of a literary translation from Italian into English (literature classes in term 3 focus on this skill) and a letter in Italian. Both questions have equal weighting.
Please note that in order to pass the module you need to obtain an average mark of at least 40% in each of the two components (language tests and exams + literature essays).