IT110 Suggested reading
All core texts are available in the Library (films in the SRC collection).
* You will need to buy copies of these texts
** Copies of this article/chapter are available via Library Course Extracts
Core texts
Ungaretti, Giuseppe, Vita d’un uomo: Tutte le poesie (Milan: Mondadori, 1992) - other editions may be used but please use printed texts rather than electronic online versions as these are often inaccurate.
*Calvino, Italo, Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno (Turin: Einaudi, 1947 with preface added 1964)
Rossellini, Roberto, Roma città aperta (film), 1945
Luchino Visconti, Rocco e i suoi fratelli (film), 1960
*Natalia Ginzburg, Caro Michele (Einaudi, 1995 [1973])
*Antonio Tabucchi, Sostiene Pereira
Amelio, Gianni, Lamerica (film), 1994
Giordana, Marco Tullio, Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti (film), 2005
Secondary texts (history, society and culture, terms 1-3)
Clark, Martin, Modern Italy 1871-1995, 2nd edn (London: Longman, 1996)
Duggan, Christopher, The Force of Destiny: A History of Italy since 1796 (London: Allen Lane, 2007), particularly sections 5-7
Finaldi, Giuseppe, Mussolini and Italian Fascism (Harlow: Pearson, 2008)
Foot, John, Modern Italy (second edition) (Palgrave Macmillan 2014)
Forgacs, David & Robert Lumley (eds), Italian Cultural Studies: An Introduction (London: Penguin, 1996)
Ginsborg, Paul, A History of Contemporary Italy: Society and Politics 1943-1988 (London: Penguin, 1990)
Ginsborg, Paul, Italy and its Discontents: Family, Civil Society, State 1980-2001 (London: Penguin, 2003)#
Lyttelton, Adrian, Liberal and Fascist Italy: 1900-1945 (Oxford: OUP, 2002)
Sassoon, Donald, Contemporary Italy: Politics, Economy and Society since 1945 (London & New York, Longman, 1986)
Luca Somigli and Mario Moroni, Italian Modernism (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004)
Secondary texts (literary and film criticism)
Ann Hallamore Caesar and Michael Caesar, Modern Italian Literature (Polity, 2007)
Robert S.C. Gordon, An Introduction to Twentieth-century Italian Literature: A Difficult Modernity (Duckworth, 2005)
The Cambridge History of Italian Literature, ed. by Peter Brand and Lino Pertile (Cambridge: CUP, 1996)
The Oxford Companion to Italian Literature, ed. by Peter Hainsworth and David Robey, (Oxford: OUP, 2002)
J. Cary, Three Modern Italian Poets: Saba, Ungaretti, Montale (New York & London, New York University Press and London University Press, 1969)
A. L. De Gaetano, 'Some New Trends in Italian Poetry of Our Times', Italica, Vol. 38, no. 2 (Jun. 1961), 116-129.
C. L. Golino, ed. Contemporary Italian Poetry: An anthology (Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1962).
R.L.Payne, A Selection of Modern Italian Poetry in Translation (McGuill-Queen's University Press, 2004).
V. Suvini-Hand, Mirage and Camouflage: Hiding Behind Hermeticism in Ungaretti’s L’Allegria (Market Harborough: Troubador, 2000)
M. Thompson, ‘‘Everything is at Stake’: Ungaretti and the First World War’, PN Review (Manchester) May-June 2005, Vol 31, Iss 5, p. 22-25.
Karen de Leon Jones, 'Language and Identity in Calvino's Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno, Forum for Modern Language Studies, 1997, Vol. 33, no. 4
**Martin McLaughlin, Italo Calvino, (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998), see chapter 2
Sarah Morgan, 'War, Civil War and the Problem of Violence in Calvino and Pavese', in European Memories of the Second World War, ed. by Helmut Peitsch, Charles Burdett, Claire Gorrara (Berghahn, 1999), pp. 67-77
**Claudia Nocentini, Italo Calvino and the Landscape of Childhood (Leeds: Northern Universities Press, 2000), see pp. 18-27
Claudia Nocentini, 'Narrative and Ideological Function of the narrator in Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno', Forum for Modern Language Studies, 1997, Vol. 33, no. 4
Annnalisa Ponti, Come leggere Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno (Milan: Mursia, 1991)
Lucia Re, Calvino and the Age of Neorealism: Fables of Estrangement (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990)
Lucia Re, 'Calvino and the Value of Literature', MLN 113, 1998, 121-37
**Beno Weiss, Understanding Italo Calvino (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1993), see pp. 9-17
Neorealist Cinema / Roma città aperta
Bondanella, Peter, Italian Cinema: From Neorealism to the Present (New York: Continuum, 1990)
Forgacs, David, Rome Open City (London: BFI, 2000)
Gottlieb, Sidney, ed. Roberto Rossellini's Rome Open City (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004)
Landy, Marcia, Italian Film (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)
Marcus, Millicent, Italian Film in the Light of Neorealism (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986)
Shiel, Mark, Italian Neorealism : Rebuilding the Cinematic City (London: New York : Wallflower, 2006)
Sorlin, Pierre, Italian National Cinema (London: Routledge, 1996)
Wagstaff, Christopher, Italian neorealist cinema : an aesthetic approach (Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2007).
Wood, Mary, Italian Cinema (Oxford, New York: Berg, 2005)
O'Donoghue, Darragh, Rome, Open City, Senses of Cinema
Rocco e i suoi fratelli
Bertellini, Giorgio, The Cinema of Italy (Wallflower, 2000). See Chapter 9.
Bondanella, Peter, Italian Cinema: From Neorealism to the Present (New York: Continuum, 1990)
Foot, John M., 'Cinema and the City. Milan and Luchino Visconti's Rocco and his Brothers (1960)', Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 4:2, 209-235, 1999 (available online)
Hipkins, Danielle, '"I Don't Want to Die": Prostitution and Narrative Disruption in Visconti's Rocco e i suoi fratelli', in Women in Italy 1945-1960, ed. by Penelope Morris (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006).
Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey., Luchino Visconti (London : British Film Institute, 2003).
Rohdie, S., Rocco and his Brothers, (London: BFI, 1992
Natalia Ginzburg, Caro Michele
Allen, Beverly, 'Terrorism Tales: Gender and the Fictions of Italian National Identity', Italica, 69:2, 1992, pp. 161-176.
Bullock, Alan, Natalia Ginzburg: Human Relationships in a Changing World (New York and Oxford: Berg, 1991)
Jeannet, Angela M. and Giuliana Sanguinetti Katz (ed.), Natalia Ginzburg: A Voice of the Twentieth Century (Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2000), pp. 89-98.
Picarazzi, Teresa L, Maternal Desire: Natalia Ginzburg's Mothers, Daughters and Sisters (Madison, Fairleigh Dickinson UP, c2002), see Chapter 6.
Salsini, Laura A., Addressing the Letter: Italian Women's Epistolary Fiction (Toronto: Toronto University Press), pp. 82-92.
Simborowski, Nicoletta, Secrets and Puzzles: silence and the unsaid in contemporary Italian writing (Oxford : European Humanities Research Centre, 2002).
Wood, Sharon, Italian Women's Writing 1860-1994 (Athlone, 1995) see Chapter 8.
Antonio Tabucchi, Sostiene Pereira
**Burns, Jennifer, Fragments of Impegno: Interpretations of Commitment in Contemporary Italian Narrative (1980-2000) (Leeds: Northern Universities Press, 2001) - see chapter 3 on Tabucchi PQ 4175.B8
**Cannon, JoAnn, The Novel as Investigation : Leonardo Sciascia, Dacia Maraini, and Antonio Tabucchi (Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2006) PQ 4183.C7
Ferraro, Bruno & Nicole Prunster (eds), Antonio Tabucchi: A Collection of Essays, Spunti e Ricerche, 12, 1996/7 (In reference section in library, under ‘Spunti’)
Jeannet, Angela, ‘A Matter of Injustice: Violence and Death in Antonio Tabucchi’, Annali d’italianistica, 19 (2001), 153-69.
Spunta, Marina, Voicing the Word: Writing Orality in Contemporary Italian Fiction (Oxford & New York: P. Lang 2004) PQ 4175.S7
Wren-Owens Elizabeth, ‘Tabucchi's Brutal Empires’, The Modern Language Review, Vol. 102, No. 3 (Jul., 2007), 723-736.
**Wren Owens Elizabeth, Postmodern Ethics (Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars, 2007) PQ 4175.W7
Caminati, Luca, 'The return of history: Gianni Amelio's Lamerica, memory, and national identity', Italica 83.3-4 (Fall-Winter 2006): p596-609.
Duncan, Derek, ‘The Sight and Sound of Albanian Migration in Contemporary Italian Cinema’, Cardiff University New Readings, Volume 8, article available here
O’Healy, Aine, ‘Lamerica’, in The Cinema of Italy, ed,. by Giorgio Bertellini (London and New York: Wallflower Press, 2004), pp. 244-53
Rascaroli, Laura, ‘Carlo Mazzacurati, Silvio Soldini, and Gianni Amelio: Highways, Side Roads, and Borderlines – the New Italian Road Movie’, in Italian Cinema: New Directions, ed. by William Hope (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2005), pp. 251-273
Small, Pauline, ‘Immigrant Images in Contemporary Italian Cinema: A Nation with a Clear Conscience’, in Jacqueline Andall and Derek Duncan: Italian Colonialism, Legacy and Memory (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2005) pp. 239-54
Zambenedetti, A. ‘Multiculturalism in Italian Cinema’, Studies in European Cinema, 3:2 (2006), pp. 105-16
Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti and Italian Immigration.
Small, Pauline, ‘Immigrant Images in Contemporary Italian Cinema: A Nation with a Clear Conscience’, in Andall & Duncan, Italian Colonialism: Legacy and Memory edited by D. Duncan and J. Andall (Peter Lang, 2004), 239-254.
Wood, Mary P. Italian Cinema (Oxford: Berg, 2005)
Parati, Graziella, Migration Italy: The Art of Talking Back in a Destination Culture (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005)
Suggested further reading
Mengaldo, Pier Vincenzo, Poeti italiani del novecento (Milan: Mondadori, 1978) – particularly poems by Montale, Quasimodo and Saba.
Cooke, Philip (ed.), The Italian Resistance: An Anthology (Manchester, MUP, 1997)
Levi, Primo, Se questo è un uomo (Turin: Einaudi, 1958)