1) To what extent are Amalia and Delia constrained by the patriarchal values their family espouses? How far do they transgress these values?
2) In how far do patriarchal values alienate mother and daughter?
3) Explore the metaphor of journey in the novel.
4) ‘Seppi che stavo perdendo mia madre definitivamente e che era esattamente quello che volevo’. Why does Delia want to ‘lose’ her mother?
5) ‘[Delia’s] approach to her native, carnal city resembles her reaction of revulsion towards the loved/hated figure of her mother.’ (Mazierska and Rascaroli, From Moscow to Madrid: Postmodern Cities, European Cinema). Discuss.
6) What role does sexuality play in the mother-daughter relationship? How accepting is Delia of her mother’s sexuality?
7) ‘Mi resi conto con tenerezza inattesa che invece avevo Amalia sotto la pelle come un liquido caldo che mi era stato iniettato chissà quando.’ To what extent does Delia rediscover her mother?
8) ‘Mi resi conto con tenerezza inattesa che invece avevo Amalia sotto la pelle come un liquido caldo che mi era stato iniettato chissà quando.’ To what extent does Delia rediscover her mother?
9) Is L’amore molesto a good title? Of the various English translations (Nasty Love, Troubling Love, and Harrassing Love), which one do you think is the most appropriate?