SMLC - News and events
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme
The School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Warwick again welcomes applications for the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme.
The School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Warwick encompasses four language areas (French Studies, German Studies, Italian, and Hispanic Studies) providing comprehensive coverage and strong institutional support. Warwick's languages are consistently rated in the top 5 of university departments and achieved exceptional rankings in the most recent national research assessment exercise.
Details of the British Academy Scheme, and its timetable, can be viewed at:
Details of the research profile of the School’s departments can be viewed at:
Department of French Studies
Department of German Studies
Department of Hispanic Studies
Department of Italian
We welcome informal queries about the department sponsoring applications: please email the Director of Graduate Studies in the relevant department before 10th September 2014 if you wish to put in an application via Warwick.
French Studies: Dr Katherine Astbury (
German Studies: Dr James Hodkinson (
Hispanic Studies: Dr Fabienne Viala (
Italian: Dr Jennifer Burns (