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Prof Anne Fuchs marks the Dresden bombing in Germany

Prof. Anne Fuchs (Warwick German Studies), author of 'After the Dresden Bombing: Pathways of Memory, 1945 to the Present '(2012), will be speaking at high profile events in Germany next week, marking the 50th anniversary of the bombing of Dresden.

The programme includes an address entitled: "Gedenkort Dresden: Überlegungen zu einer dialogischen und transnationalen Erinnerungskultur" to be held:

Feb 10, 19:00 at the Stadtmuseum Dresden,

Feb 11, 19:00 at the Stadtmuseum Magdeburg,

as well as a radio discussion 10:30-11:30 (Länderzeit: Deutschlandfunk), entitled "Die Zerstörung Dresdens: Inferno oder Befreiung?"

and a paper "Dresden im kulturellen Gedächtnis: zwischen Melancholie und Nostalgie ", at the conference: Schattenorte: Stadtimage und Vergangenheitslast, Stadtmuseum Potsdam 12-13 February 2015.