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Joint Warwick/Monash PhD Programme: Funding Available!

The Monash Warwick alliance has launched a transnational joint PhD programme, with funding of up to £500,000/ AUD 750,000 over the next three years for 30 students to study under research leaders addressing the research challenges the Alliance is tackling. These are potentially in a broad range of research disciplines, which include several relevant to scholars in the German Studies: language, literature and translation; film and Holocaust, Genocide and Aftermath Studies. Informal enquires regarding the last of these areas can be addressed to Dr Christine Achinger of the Department of German Studies, via the email address

Find out about German Studies at Monash here:

For more information on the joint programme and the associated funding, see also the following link:

Wed 08 May 2013, 00:00 | Tags: German - News

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