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Warwick welcomes UK Galician Studies researchers

IV Encontro GalegoOn Monday 20th May 2013, Warwick Hispanic Studies department hosted the IV Galician Encontro, a meeting of UK-based researchers in the field of Galician Studies. We were excited to welcome postgraduate students and colleagues from Aston, Bangor, Birmingham, Liverpool and Oxford, as well as from Warwick itself. Our special guest was Professor José Colmeiro, Prince of Asturias Chair of Spanish at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. After a long and stimulating day of research presentations and discussion, we listened to José present his current research in a seminar called 'Made in Galicia: Cinema after Political Devolution' (co-sponsored by the Department of Film & Television Studies).

[Photo: UK Galicianists awaiting Professor Colmeiro's presentation]

Wed 22 May 2013, 00:00

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