Keynote speakers
Dr Elsa Huertas Barros
Elsa Huertas Barros is a Senior Lecturer in Translation in the School of Humanities at the University of Westminster. Elsa’s main research interests include translator education, translator competence, assessment practices, and student-centred approaches. Elsa has been an active member of the international projects EACT (Evaluation in the Acquisition of Translation Competence) and EFFORT (Towards a European Framework of Reference for Translation). Elsa has published her work in international journals including The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (ITT), The Journal of Specialised Translation and International Journal of Institutional Discourse. Elsa has also published book chapters in edited volumes published by Peter Lang, Routledge and IGI Global. Elsa co-edited ITT special issue 12(1) entitled ‘New Perspectives in Assessment in Translator Training’ (2018) and the volumes Quality Assurance and Assessment Practices in Translation and Interpreting (2019) and The Human Translator in the 2020s (2023). Elsa is currently the co-editor of The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (ITT).

Plenary session: "Damned if you do? On integrating AI into translation teaching, research and practice"
Prof Dorothy Kenny
Dorothy Kenny is full professor of translation studies at Dublin City University, Ireland. Her current research interests include corpus-based analyses of translation and translator style, literary applications of machine translation, and approaches to the teaching of translation technology. She was a PI on the MultiTraiNMT project (2019-2022), which developed, evaluated and disseminated open-access materials for the enhancement of teaching and learning about machine translation. Her most recent book, co-written with the MultiTraiNMT team, is the open-access volume Machine translation for everyone: empowering users in the age of artificial intelligence (Language Science Press, 2022). She is co-editor of the journal Translation Spaces and a proud Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists.