Key Stage 3 Topics and Resources
Current AQA documentation
Please see the recources below from the AQA website with more information about the current AQA GCSE French, German and Spanish syllabuses (for exams from 2018 onwards) taught in secondary schools.
Suggested Resources:
These could be adapted for use at KS3 or KS4 level.
- Tickets: transport tickets / cinema / concerts
- Maps
- Newspapers / free Metro newspaper (for TV listings, horoscopes (which are good to practice the future tense), weather reports etc)
- Menus
- Audio or video recordings of locals or your pupils talking about a specific topic from the above lists (for example, getting pupils to talk about their school timetable, and favourite subjects etc.)
- Photographs (of your town, maybe during a local festival or at Easter, if it is celebrated in your area)
- Video guide to landmarks in your town or local area
- Recipes
- Links to music which is currently popular in your host country
- Information about festivals or holidays celebrated specifically in your town or area.
This list is by no means exhaustive, and we encourage you to be creative and come up with some ideas of your own!