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Year 6 Transition Day ‘Imagining New Spaces’

Transition Day
Imagining New Spaces: The event is intended to help pupils develop skills needed for language learning, build confidence to be resilient learners, explore artistic expression across cultures and consider the feelings associated with transition through the medium of art, languages and sculpture. Key curriculum areas: languages, art, literacy, PSHE (resilience, confidence-building)
Date: Wednesday 25 June 2024 10-2:30pm

In Imagining New Spaces’, we invite pupils to think about making journeys and exploring new places. We aim to help them discover that the language and cultural awareness skills they’ve developed in their MFL lessons have given them useful tools to make this leap. The event will involve:

  1. A short pre-event task based around a selection of the Tell us a Story project stories, written by students about the experience of getting to know new cultures during stays abroad in France, Spain and China.
  2. An on-campus event involving:
  • Plenary introduction where pupils share their discoveries from the pre-task and consider what the stories tell them about moving from the familiar to the new (we’ll include language and personal and social development activities here)
  • Discovery trail event where pupils will work in mixed groups with student ambassadors to undertake language challenges on the Warwick Sculpture Trail . The challenges will be inspired by art: the art of the sculptures themselves, and the work of Hispanic, French and Chinese artists representing ideas of travel, movement and new spaces. The children will be asked to decipher clues and undertake language based challenges at each of the selected sculptures on their route.
  • A final plenary session where pupils will share their discoveries and how they worked them out. We’ll think together about how they overcame hurdles using language skills, and what they felt about the campus and its sculptures. Pupils will then design their own T-shirts representing their linguistic / cultural / spatial discoveries from the day.

The day will be delivered by SMLC staff and student ambassadors, and we envisage each school bringing a small group from their year 6 cohort meeting the criteria below, who will work in mixed teams to undertake the prescribed activities. This is a Widening Participation event: we would therefore like schools to select pupils they believe would benefit the most from the opportunity.

Key criteria are:

  • pupils who are or have been eligible for free school meals.
  • pupils who are lacking in confidence about transition and where the event would help them build resilience.
  • pupils who have enthusiasm for language learning and the arts more generally.

We would like pupils who attend to meet at least one of the above criteria

Please let us know if you are interested in this event by completing the booking form and we will be in touch. Note that spaces will be limited so they will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Contact Orla Whelan-Davis Widening Participation Officer on if you have any questions