Mission Statement - 'Languages for All'
Here at Warwick, we believe that with the right encouragement and guidance, every young person has the ability to study at least one foreign language. Within the context of the UK’s impending isolation from Europe, we want to shape the next generation of language learners to become the UK’s pioneers of international inclusivity. We want to support the forgotten heroes the UK’s language teachers to enable them to deliver the subject about which they are so passionate. We want “Languages for All”.
For this reason, you will find that these widening participation pages include carefully-selected resources for students and teachers alike, to ensure that you have the best view of the wider cultural connections possible for any student who wishes to pursue languages at Higher Education.
We will continue to develop these resources, creating an interactive map, which will offer them in an exciting and engaging format, which we hope will inspire your students to embark on their own linguistic journey.
We are also excited to announce the University of Warwick’s forthcoming collaboration with the University of Cardiff to launch the language-mentoring scheme “Language Horizons” with our partner schools, which we hope will have a repeated success in reversing the decline of our beloved subject.
So, have a browse through our resources, put our outreach dates into your calendar and contact us to establish a long-lasting MFL partnership!