Spelling Bee
Information about spelling bee competition.
What is the Spelling Bee?
The Foreign Language Spelling Bee is a competition for students in Year 7 to practise and improve their vocabulary, spelling and memory skills in a foreign language (French, German, or Spanish). They have to translate the words from English and spell them in the target language.
The competition has 4 stages:
- Class competition (Autumn Term)
- School Competition (first half of Spring Term)
- Regional Final (usually end of Spring Term)
- National Final (end of Summer Term)
and the entrants must learn 50 words per stage in their chosen language, totalling 200 words, if they reach the national final.
Further details on the competition and how to enter can be found hereLink opens in a new window
The 2024 Regional Final will be held again on campus at The University of Warwick
2023 Regional Final
Photos of participants in the 2023 regional final