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Core team

The network’s core team consists of Dr. Mary HarrodLink opens in a new window (Warwick, PI) and Professor Raphaëlle MoineLink opens in a new window (Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, Co-I), both established scholars of French popular cinema, conceived transnationally; Professor Ginette VincendeauLink opens in a new window (King’s College London), an expert in French cinema and media culture across the board and Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et Lettres for services to French culture; Professor Phil PowrieLink opens in a new window (University of Surrey), specialising in French and other cinemas and the editor of the journal Studies in French Cinema; Professor Alastair PhillipsLink opens in a new window (University of Warwick), a scholar of French and East Asian cinemas with an emphasis on post-national approaches; Professor Kira KitsopanidouLink opens in a new window (Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3), specialising in industrial approaches to French cinema and television; and Dr. Belén VidalLink opens in a new window (King’s College London), an expert on post-national European genre cinema.

Further participants include, with relevant specialisms:

- Professor Lucy Mazdon (Southampton), transnational French and British television and film studies

- Professor Tim Bergfelder (Southampton), popular European film studies

- Dr. Isabelle Vanderschelden (Manchester), French film studies, screenwriting, popular genres

- Dr. David Pettersen (Pittsburgh), French media and cultural studies, postcolonial/transnational media

- Dr. Charlie Michael (Georgia Gwinnett College), French film and media industry studies

- Dr. Christopher Meir (Carlos III), media and TV industry studies

- Professor Olivier Thévenin (Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3), socio-economics, media industry studies

- Professor Geneviève Sellier (Sorbonne Nouvelle–Paris 3), French cinema, cultural and gender studies

- Dr. Thomas Pillard (Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3), French film and media genre studies, reception studies

- Dr. Gwenaëlle Le Gras (Bordeaux-Montaigne), transnational (French and British) star studies

- Dr. Gemma King (Australian National University), French screen studies, (multi-)lingual approaches to French cinema

- Reece Goodall (University of Warwick) - French transnational genres, especially horror films

- Anne Kaftal (Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3) - star studies in film and television; Franco-US relations; transnational feminisms